


Helmiä sioille

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.12.2008 22:41

nuolla puhtaaksi maailman kolhuista
nostattaa punan haaleille poskille

LihanaaPerjantai 12.12.2008 00:42

on päivän sana
GTFO my lawn!!!

StareTiistai 09.12.2008 16:03

You my gall, are the beauty unbound...

Mikä ihmeen M-teema!? : DMaanantai 08.12.2008 22:14

o/Sunnuntai 07.12.2008 20:51

Olipaskin helvetillisen hieno viikonloppu

Truth?Lauantai 06.12.2008 02:56

Betrayl may come easily to women, but men live by iron-clad codes of honor.

RunsaudenhulluusTiistai 02.12.2008 22:39

Terminal Therapy (TT /) Tiistai 02.12.2008 03:01

Since November 24, 2007
11 Current members


It's not us, it is this freaking world that is utterly and irreversibly insane.

Passion for soggy rye is what unites us.

Rape is the only human weapon they fear!
(Koska pelataan pesäpalloa??)