
vittuKeskiviikko 12.08.2009 17:13

lompakko hävinny ja kännykkä on taksi kuskilla :((
pitäs kaivaa jostain 30e :O

:) Lauantai 08.08.2009 17:34

sateenkaari perhe kukkii.
suvi löysi kutsumuksensa!!!!!
MUMMO BOKSERIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lapset ja anssi koira <33 :DD
kirja edistyyy kaikki nähty
vaimoke on mennyt teetettäväksi taululuksi <3 <3 kuka haluaa ostaa????
suvi avautui kuutamon loisteessa :))
jonna demonisoitui!!!
NÄLKÄ! kahteenpäivään ei mitään muuta ravintoa kun olut!! : ))

ps:sika anssi ei ole koira anssi!!

18!Torstai 16.07.2009 23:47

synttärit huomenna <<33

: ((Perjantai 03.07.2009 20:34

It's been so long, that I haven't seen your face
I'm trying to be strong, but the strength I have is washing away
it won't be long, before I get you by my side
and just hold you, tease you, squeeze you, tell you what's been on my mind

I wanna make up right now na na,
I wanna make up right now na na,
wish we never broke up right now na na,
we need to link up right now na na,
I wanna make up right now na na,
I wanna make up right now na na,
wish we never broke up right now na na,
we need to link up right now na na,

Girl I know, mistakes were made between us two
and we show, our selves that night even said some things weren't true
why'd you go? I haven't seen my girl since then
why can't it be the way it was, cause you were my homie, lover and friend


I can't lie, I miss you much
watching everyday that goes by, I miss you much
till I get you back I'm gonna try, yes I miss you much
you are the apple of my eye, girl I miss you much
I can't lie, I miss you much
watching everyday that goes by, I miss you much
till I get you back I'm gonna try, yes I miss you much
you are the apple of my eye, girl I miss you much


I want you to fly with me, want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me, miss how you lie
just wish you could dine with me, wish you could dine with me
the one that grind with me, said the one that grind with me
I want you to fly with me, want you to fly
I miss how you lie with me, ohh miss how you lie
just wish you could dine with me, wish you could dine
the one that grind with me, ohh the one that grind with me

pahinMaanantai 15.06.2009 19:39

pahin ikinä! : DDDDDD

OLEN HULLUNA TEIHIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



: DDDDDDDDDDMaanantai 08.06.2009 22:37

AAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW <3 <3 <3 <3 < 3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

paska paskaSunnuntai 08.03.2009 22:57

vittuuuu vittuuu vittuuu vittuuu vittuuu vitttuu vittuuu vittuuu.

green dayMaanantai 19.01.2009 19:51

Your rise and fall
Back up against the wall
What goes around is coming back and haunting you
It's time to quit
Cause you ain't worth the shit
Under my shoes or the piss on the ground

No one loves you and you know it
Don't pretend that you enjoy it or you don't care
Cause now I wouldn't lie or tell you all the things you want
to hear.
Cause I hate you (4x)

I heard your sick
Sucked on that cancer stick
A throbbing tumor and a radiation high
Shit out of luck
And now your time is up
It brings me pleasure just to know you're going to die

Dickhead, Fuckface, cock smoking, mother fucking, asshole,
dirty twat, waste of semen, I hope you die HEY

Red eye, code blue
I'd like to strangle you
And watch your eyes bulge right out of your skull
When you go down
Head first into the ground
I'll stand above you just to piss on your grave

viiiddduuu : DTorstai 20.11.2008 19:35

hullu olet : D

!!!!Lauantai 27.09.2008 15:44

tarviiiiin perseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

vittu vittu vittu vittu : DDDDDD

-sain perseet : DDDDDDDDDD