1. Are you wearing a necklace?
- nope
2. Does your computer have a mouse?
- yes
3. Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes?
- riku and pia
4. Do you like school?
- no, not really. but i do like some lessons
5. What color is your shirt?
- black
6. How many bedrooms do you have in your house?
- well i still live with my parents and we have 3 bedrooms
7. What song are you listening to?
- nothing right now
8. What was the last mall you've been to?
- bepop, if you can call it a mall xD
9. Are you alone?
- yep
10. Do you have any older siblings?
- no
11. What is the last thing you ate?
- dracula candy
12. Who was the last person to come over to your house?
- we don't usually meet at my house
13. Who was the last person to call you?
- eerika
14. Who was the last person who texted you?
- janette
15. What time is it?
- 23:25
16. What should you be doing?
- nothing
17. Who is the last person you IMed?
- what?
18. Did you go out to eat yesterday?
- no
19. What are you thinking about right now?
- when sex and the city starts. and a cold beer......... yummm
20. What color are your pants?
- red
21. What color is your keyboard?
- grey
22. What do you feel like eating/drinking?
- i want a ice cold beer!
23. Are you in college?
- kinda
24. What is the last word you wrote?
- kinda
25. Are you bored?
- nope
26. How many teeth do you have?
- dont know
28. Do you wear glasses?
- yep
29. What color are your shoes?
- black
31. Last thing you drank?
- coke
34. Who do you love?
- friends & family
35. What are you doing right now?
- waiting that sex and the city starts
37. What are you looking at now?
- this survey?
38. What's the last words you said?
- i can't remember
39. Do you have lip gloss on?
- no
40. Do you have eyeliner on?
- no
41. Did you realize there was no question number 36?
- nope
42. Do you have a cut on your pointer finger?
- no
43. Where is your cell phone?
- im my room
44. Do you have any friends named robby?
- nope
46. Do you have any friends named nikki?
- no
47. Are you afraid of the dark?
- sometimes
48. Did you use to watch "are you afraid of the dark"?
- nope
49. Do you like someone right now?
- i don't think so. or maybe just a little bit. or not
50. What size shoe are you?
- 37
Sing in the shower?: no
Left the stove on?: no
Ate Stale food?: no
Spit in someone's Drink?: no
Stole Something from a friend?: when i was little :D
Played with Barbies?: yes
Kissed your posters of your favorite stars?: yep
Listened to stupid music and said you like it?: probably
Made someone cry?: yup
Opened your Christmas presents early? sometimes i can't help myself
Found money, and didn't turn it in?: yes :D
Gave money to a homeless person?: no
Thought "Star Wars" was cool?: i liked that last part
Had a super-hero costume?: no
Lied to protect a friend?: i don't remember. possibly?
Broken a bone?: no
Played a Computer game for more than 5 hours?: nope
Dyed your hair a color from the rainbow?: yeees xD
Hugged your mom in the past 24 hours?: no
Ran through the sprinklers?: yeah :D
Ran through the sprinklers naked?: no
Went outside naked?: yep
Flashed somebody?: kinda :D
Been on stage?: yes
been on stage naked or close to it?: no
Been in a parade?: no
Been in a school play?: yes
Drank beer?: yes
Went to work/school with a hangover?: yep....
Gotten detention?: yes
Gotten expelled?: no
Been on a plane?: yes
Been on a cruise?: yes
Traveled out of the country?: yes
Liked somebody you could never have?: yes
Ate spoiled food on purpose?: no
Ate food you dropped on the floor?: yes
Laughed at a funeral?: no
Watched somebody's death?: no
Killed somebody?: no
Gotten a tattoo?: yes
Gotten piercings?: well i have earrings
Fired a gun?: yes
Gotten into a fist fight?: no
Gotten into a shouting match?: yes
Swallowed sea/pool water?: yes
Swallowed sea/pool water on purpose?: no
Spun yourself in circles to get dizzy on purpose?: yes
Laughed so hard it hurt?: yes
Laughed so hard you peed in your pants?: almost :D
Seen a live birth?: no
Delivered a baby/animal?: no
Had an imaginary friend?: yes
Been cheated on: no