Tired of Cliché Questions? Come here!
Eggs; Sunny side up, Scrambled or Hard boiled?
- hard boiled
Sausage or Bacon?
- bacon.
Pancakes, Crêpes or Waffles?
- pancakes!
Croissant, Danish or Pain au Chocolat?
- i dunno :O
Coffee, Juice, or Hot Chocolate?
- juice in the morning, coffee at work
Pasta; Spaghetti, Tortellini, Lasagna, Ravioli, or Gnocchi?
- all of those works for me
Pasta Sauce; Cheese, Tomato, or Meat?
- cheese
Soup; Mushroom, Tomato, Broccoli, Carrot, Vegetable, Chowder, or Other?
- yäh
With Soup; Crackers, Toast, Croutons, Bacon Bits or Baguette?
- croutons or baguette
Pizza; Cheese, Hawaiian, Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Veggie, or Other?
- cheese or pepperoni
Pizza; Square Slice, Pointy Slice or Deep Dish?
- pointy or deep dish
Sandwich; or white bread or brown?
- white
Toppings; Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Peppers, Mushrooms,Mayo,Salt, or Other?
- mayo, tunafish etc
Chinese; Springrolls or Eggrolls?
- i have never tasted spring - or eggrolls
Chinese; Sweet & Sour Pork, Crispy Sesame Beef, or General Tao Chicken?
- same ^
East Indian; Veggie Korma (curry) or Tandoori Chicken?
- same ^
Meat; Well done, Medium, or Rare?
- well done
Mashed Potatoes or Baked?
- mashed
Salad Dressing; Vinaigrette, 1000 Island, Ranch, or Other?
- I like most of them
Cheese; Cheddar, Mozzarella, Havarti, Ricotta, Feta, Cottage, Brie, Soy, or Other?
- cheddar, mozzarella, feta, cottage, brie
Milk; Regular Soy, Chocolate Soy, 1%, 2%, Skim, or Chocolate?
- normal??? :D
Sushi; California Rolls, Spicy Salmon, Crab, Eel, Egg, Octopus, or Other?
-never had sushi
Sushi; Wasabi, Soysauce, Neither, or Both?
- no idea
KFC; 2 piece combo, 3 piece combo, Family-Sized combo, or Chicken Club?
- :O
KFC; Coleslaw, Potato Salad, or Macaroni Salad?
- macaroni salad, if i have to pick one of those
Pop; Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, Rootbeer, 7-Up, Orange Crush, Cherry Coke, or Other?
- coke
Burger King, In & Out, McDonald's, Harvey's, Hardee's, White Castle, A&W, or Other?
- mäkkiii!
Burger Toppings; Lettuce, Tomato, Ketchup, Mayo, Mustard, Mushrooms, Or All Dressed?
- mayo
Fries; Tater Tots, Poutine (if you're Canadian), Cheese Fries, Wedge, or Regular?
- regular
Pie; Apple, Cherry, Lemon, Lime, Blueberry, Sugar, or Other?
apple. lemon could be good :O
Pie; With or Without Ice Cream?
- it depends
Dessert; Ice Cream, Frozen Yoghurt, Gelato, or Jello?
- frozen yoghurt sounds good, so does jello
Dessert; Cake, Pie, Brownies, Cookies, or Fresh Fruit w. Whipping Cream?
- cake, brownies
Popcorn; Buttery, Caramel, Strawberry, Or Plain Old Salted?
- buttery!!
**Your home***
House, Condo, Apartment, Trailer, or Other?
- apartment or a house
Live alone, with Roomies, with Parents, or Other?
- still with parents
Rent or Own? (if you Rent, how much do you pay?)
- own
Neighbourhood you live in; Poor, Middle Class, Wealthy, Artsy, Conservative?
- middle class?
City Centre, Burbs, or Country?
- almost city centre
Do your area safe?
- im not so sure :D
At what age did you move out? If you haven't yet, at what age do you plan to?
- next year, so when im 20
What was the hardest part about leaving home?
Do you and your family still live in the same city or town?
- yes
Your room; Messy, a bit Messy, Cleanish, or Meticulously Clean?
- messy
**Getting Around**
Walking, Bicycle, Rollerblades, Bus, Subway, Car, or Commuter Train?
- car
If you take public transit, how much is the fare?
- dont know
Tokens, Pass, or Tickets?
- pass
Commuter Ritual (Coffee? Newspaper? Book?)
- newspaper maybe
Which Bus, Subway, or Train stop is nearest to you?
- bus
Doughnut run; Glazed, Chocolate, Bavarian Cream, Crueller, or Jam Filled?
- mmmm chocolate
Drivers License; Learners, Drivers or None?
- ??? i have my license so drivers? or am i still learning because i dont have "real" licence yet
Do you own your own car? (what kind of car?)
- its not my own, but i use it all the time. its ford ka
Home schooled, Private, or Public?
- public
Your School; Uniform or No Uniform?
- no
Your School; Catholic, Jewish, or Secular?
- no religions involved
You; Preppy, Jock, Goth, Punk, Cheerleader, Loner, Nerd, Class Clown, or Other?
- i dont really know :D
What year did you Graduate? if you haven't yet, what year will you graduate?
- year 2008
Discipline; Excellent Student, Good Student, Okay Student, or Abysmal Student?
- okay student
Where have you travelled? (be specific; name specific cities)
- nine times at canary islands, two times in greece, i will be at london 16.8 ;))
Have you flown before? if so, what's your favourite airline?
- yes, finnair
Flying Rituals? (book, ipod, sleeping, etc..)
- sleeping
In flight meal; Chicken, Beef, Pasta, Vegetarian/Vegan, Oriental, or Kid's?
- yäh, nothing! i hate food in airplane, yäh
Which class do you usually take; First, Business, or Economy?
- the cheapest possible
Have you ever flown First Class? or been Upgraded?
- no
Have you been on a train before? If so, which? (subways don't count)
- many times, usually pori-helsinki or pori-tampere.
Have you been on a ferry before? If so, which?
- nope :O
Have you been on a cruise before? If so, which?
- yeah
Do you get motion sick?
- no
Hotel; which sort of room do you usually stay in; Suite, Premium, Regular?
- regular. but friday when we are going with emppu to helsinki we have a suite :DDD
....im just kidding. i wish
Have you travelled on your own before? (alone; that means no friends, no parents)
- no
**Mental and Physical Wellbeing**
Are you seeing a shrink?
- no, but maybe i should :D
Are you on any medications?
- i use some medicines to my allergies ;D
Birth Control; Condoms, Depo-Provera, the Pill, Vesectomy, or Hysterectomy?
- the pill and condom
Smoke, Drink, Do Illegal Drugs? (if so, which?)
- drink
If you smoke; have you any intention of quitting?
Is your diet Low-fat, Reasonably Low-fat, or High-fat? (be honest)
- the more fat the better!
Which body type are you; Anorexic, Skinny, Regular, Athletic, Pudgy, or Obese?
- regular
Do you follow trend diets such as Low-Carb or Atkins?
- nope
Casual, Short-Term, or Long-Term?
- long term
Are you an open & honest individual or do you stew in your feelings?
- sometimes im open and honest but sometimes its hard
Is your relationship such, that if you wanted to candidly discuss sex , you could?
How do you cope with breakups? (Häagen-Dazs? A Box of Tissues? Revenge?)
- i think revenge sounds good xD
Straight, Bi-Curious, Straight-Curious, Lesbian, or Gay?
- straight
What kind of guy/girl do you look for; Rebel, Puritan, Brainiac, Athlete, or Other?
- it depends so much, no athletic but also not too fatty
**Holidays and Religion**
Christmas, Hannukah, Kwanzah, or Neither?
- christmas
Christian, Catholic, Shinto, Buddhist, Wiccan, Qwaker, Agnostic, or Atheist?
- christian, i think? :D
When you buy presents, are they extravagant, reasonable, or cheapskate?
- i buy everything that aint reasonable
Easter; Cadbury Eggs, Kinder Surprise, Jellybeans, or Peeps?
- kinder
Do you take Valentines day seriously? If so, how do you celebrate?
- a little bit
Halloween; what is the worst thing you've gotten trick-or-treating?
- never gotten the chance to do that
**Hot topics**
Pro-choice or Pro-life?
- what?
Pro-gay marriage or against?
- pro
If your daughter or son were gay, how would you respond?
- it would be okay. the most important thing is to be yourself
If your daughter decided to have an abortion, how would you respond?
- if that's what she feels like she has to do, its her decision
Are you generally intolerant of those different from yourself?
- depends
Do you blog? if so, when did you start?
- yep
What kind of blog; picture blog, personal blog, culinary blog, political blog?
- personal
What's your MySpace address?
- i dont remember. i havent use MySpace in a long time
Which do you use; MSN, Yahoo, AIM Messenger, and/or Other?
- msn
What is your username?
- anna
Does webspeak annoy you? (ie. ROFL, LOL, "Peepz", "H8TRZ")
- sometimes. but i have to admit, i use sometimes "lol" or "omg". sorry :<
Do you spend more time chatting than hanging out in real life?
- probably :'D
Do you frequent specific chatrooms?
- no
Burial or Cremation?
- i dont know. maybe burial.
Funeral; Lavish or Simple? Cremation; Urn or Ashes thrown someplace you loved?
- simple
What do you believe happens after death?
- I believe that people born again as a animals.......
Have you seen a dead body before (human)?
- no
How would you ideally like to die?
- peacefully