


markus = munapää alppiapina, ruttunaamainen kyttääjä, utopistinen sänkisääri
someday there will be rain to wash all this shit away..
fuck what a mes I am I can tell ya
life is fucking complicated
do you believe in love?
there is just one true love in 10.000 lifetimes..
and the walls are closing in.
I'd take a bullet for the one who treats me well
I should be the one to sit under your tree..
are you having fun yet?
everyone ones you aren't.
stop your game and wake up to reality there is no excuse for this.
if the only one who ever cared about me will only exist
the words aren't loud enought to hear no longer
these thoughts in my mind keep growing stronger..
if you..
who will be there waiting for me when I'm gone?
who will be the next one to fall?
life is just a game... god is just a kid in the world's huge sandbox
if you turn away once, will you..
will you and me be strong enough to become 'us' again?
will you bury your words just to feel my pain?..
mikä vittu tässä maailmassa on vikana?
take the advice from the vice guy.

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