


ei hakkaa päätä seinään mushmush
Oli siis pakko vaihtaa Veronica Marsista Prison Breakkiin. Missasin, kun maikkari alotti kolmas seasonin näyttämisen niin nyt kattelin ekan jagson. Iha muheva khyl. Vähä jäi loppu nakertamaan - heti pakko kattoa toka jakso sitte putkeen. Jööh.
Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell: Playing by yourself. Same old Pretty. Just not good at making friends, are you?
Michael Scofield: We got nothing to say to each other.
Theodore 'T-Bag' Bagwell: On another note, on a big picture note, them big government types that shook me down so hard, why is it they wanted you here? Was it Sona they was interested in? That's what I'm thinking. Want me to get you down here, up in this very county. What do you think it is, huh? You think it's Sona? Who'd be interested in a dump like this?

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