


ei hakkaa päätä seinään mushmush
Ted Mosby: [answering Cell Phone] Hello?
Barney Stinson: [talking in a deeper voice] Put on the suit, Mr. Mosby
Ted Mosby: Barney, where the hell is all my stuff.
Barney Stinson: It's not me. Put on the suit.
Ted Mosby: What suit?
Barney Stinson: Ding-dong. 'Oh, what's that?' The doorbell.
Barney Stinson: [Ted walks to the door] That's the suit I'm talking about!
Ted Mosby: I'm not there yet.
Barney Stinson: [changing back to his normal voice] Oh, OK, let me know when you get there.
Ted Mosby: OK, I opened it and there's a suit.
Barney Stinson: [talking in a deeper voice again] That's the suit I'm talking about!
Ted Mosby: Barney...
Barney Stinson: I'm not Barney! But I hear that guy's awesome. If you want your stuff back, do exactly as I say. First: Put on the suit. Second: Meet me at McClaren's in one hour.
Ted Mosby: How am I supposed to know who you are if we've never met before.
Barney Stinson: [Barney thinks for awhile] I look like Barney.

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