


you just love to hate me.

äääägh KYYYLÄT<toru>Lauantai 11.07.2009 04:35

Tällä viikolla 412
Tänään 18

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.07.2009 04:33

kopioi tämä 20 sekunnissa päiväkirjaasi niin saat huomenna jonkun ihanan viestin joka muuttaa elämäsi !

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 11.07.2009 01:42

jos saat yli 10 oot vitun nolo ihkugaltsuteini

( x) laitan meikki/peitevoidetta huuliin
( ) valkosta luomiväriä/kajalia silmän sisäkulmaan
( x) wesc, lacoste, puma
( ?) blurraan kuvii
(x ) tupeeraan hiuksii
(x) vitusti hiuslakkaa
() gallerianickissä `´-merkki (esim. jenna`)
(x ) gallerianickissä kingi/jau/moi/jou/-si/daa/asd (esim. jennakingi, jennasi)
( ) sensuroin kuvii rasteilla tai blurrilla
(xx) ommaan kuvia
(x ) siviilisääty näkyvissä mutta ikä ei
(x) ihkuboksissa kavereiden nimiä
( ) vako kulmakarvoissa
( x) käytän kangaspantaa
(x) poseeraan otsa rypyssä ja huulet törröllä, jos huppari niin hupusta kiinni
( ) burberry/burberryfeikki kaulahuivi
(X) raportoin aina galtsublogiin jos on ollu tosi hauskaa kavereiden kaa
(X ) ja merkinnässä kiitetää kultsei<3
() sivujakaus
(x) venytän konsonantteja, esim. jjjust, mmmoi, vaikk, muttt


joooooh kaikki vastaaa:)Torstai 09.07.2009 00:20

Sano HEP, jos olen kaverilistallasi.
Tämä mittaa ihmisten rehellisyyttä.
Ja ujoutta.
Muistakaa kävijälista.
Sanottuasi HEP, kopioi tämä omaan päiväkirjaan ja katso kuinka moni uskaltaa olla SINULLE rehellinen!

eminem - shake thatKeskiviikko 08.07.2009 00:05

Shady, Aftermath
There she goes shaking that ass on the floor
bumpin' and grindin' that pole
The way she's grindin' that pole
I think I'm losing control

[Verse 1 - Eminem]

Get buzzed, get drunk, get crunked, get fucked up
Hit the strip club don't forget ones get your dick rubbed
Get fucked, get sucked, get wasted, shit faceted
Pasted, blasted, puke drink up, get a new drink
Hit the bathroom sink, throw up
Wipe your shoe clean, got a routine
Knowin still got a few chunks on them shoestrings
Showin I was dehydrated 'till the beat vibrated
I was revibed as soon as this Bitch gyrated
And hips and licked them lips and that was it
I had to get Nate Dogg here to sing some shit

[Verse 2 - Nate Dogg]

Two to the one from the one to the three
I like good pussy and I like good trees
Smoke so much weed you wouldn't believe
And I get more ass than a toilet seat
Three to the one from the one to the three
I met a bad bitch last night in the D
Let me tell you how I made her leave with me
Conversation and Hennessey
I've been to the muthafuckin mountain top
Heard muthafuckers talk, seen 'em drop
If I ain't got a weapon I'ma pick up a rock
And when I bust yo ass I'm gonna continue to rock
Getcha ass of the wall with your two left feet
It's real easy just follow the beat
Don't let that fine girl pass you by
Look real close cause strobe lights lie

[Verse 3 - Nate Dogg]

We bout to have a party (turn the music up)
Let's get it started (Go head shake your butt)
I'm lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut
Wanna get it poppin baby step right up
Some girls they act retarded
Some girls are bout it bout it
I'm lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck
I say everyday she be givin it up

[Chorus - Nate Dogg]

Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
Come on girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
Ohh girl, shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
Come on girl, shake that ass with me, shake that ass with me

[Verse 4 - Eminem]

I'm a menace, a dentist, an oral hygienist
Open your mouth for about four or five minutes
Take a little bit of this fluoride rinse
Swish but don't spit it, swallow and I'll finish
Yeah me and Nate d-o double g
Looking for a couple bitches with some double D's
Pop a little champagne and a couple E's
Slip it in her bubbuly, we finna finna have a party

[Verse 5 - Nate Dogg]

Have a party (turn the music up)
Let's get it started (Go head shake your butt)
I'm lookin for a girl I can fuck in my hummer truck
Apple Bottom jeans and a big Ol' slut
Some girls they act retarded
Some girls are bout it bout it
I want a bitch that sit at the crib with no panties on
Knows that she can but she won't say no
Now look at this lady all in front of me, sexy as can be
Tonight I want a slut, would you be mine?
I heard you was freaky from a friend of mine

[Bridge - Eminem]

Now I hope you don't get mad at me
But I told Nate you was a freak
He said he wants a slut, hope you don't mind
I told him how you like it from behind

[Chorus - Nate Dogg]

Shake that ass for me, shake that ass for me
Cmon girl, shake that ass with me, shake that ass for me
Ohh girl, shake that ass with me, shake that ass for me
Cmon girl, shake that ass with me, shake that ass with me
We bout' to have a party (turn the music up)
Let's get it started (go ahead shake your butt)
I'm lookin for a girl with a body and a sexy strut
Wanna get it poppin baby step right up
Some girls they act retarded
Some girls are bout it bout it
I'm lookin for a girl that will do whatever the fuck
I say everyday she be givin it up

[Outro - Eminem]

There she goes, shaking that ass on the floor
Bumpin and grindin that pole
The way she's grindin that pole
I think I'm losing control

God, I'm old

[Eminem makes noises]

I ain't leavin' without you bitch

Coming home with me

And my boy, and his boy, and his boy, and his girl

haha, Nate Dogg


[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 07.07.2009 03:32


1. Millä kirjaimella hänen toinen nimensä alkaa? - A
2. Seurusteleeko hän? - KYLLÄ
3. Kuinka monta vuotta teillä on ikäeroa? - 3
4. Pidätkö hänestä? - IHANIN
5. Korvaisiko kukaan toinen häntä veljenä / siskona? - EI
6. Näytättekö samoilta? - EI VRM
7. Onko hän kiltti? - EI
8. Mikä hänen nimensä on? - ANTTEHOMO
9. Oletko velkaa hänelle? - RÖÖKII
10. Soittaako hän jotain instrumenttia? -EI VITUS
11. Millaista musiikkia hän soittaa / kuuntelee? - kaikkee hyvää
12. Onko hänellä irc-galleriaa,nick? -abn
13. Osaako hän muokata kuvia? - no jaa..
14. Oletko matkustanut hänen kanssaan? - en ; C baitsi jumboo
16. Minkä ikäinen hän on? - 16 kai..
15. Sano jotain hyvää hänestä? - se on AD/HD <3

mmarika__Sunnuntai 05.07.2009 03:16



abnLauantai 04.07.2009 21:29

ei stadiiii vaaaaa jumbooooo ;> ;<

mmarika__Lauantai 04.07.2009 21:21


TAMPERE<3!Lauantai 04.07.2009 21:20

kamala ikävä :(