[samaan aikaan kirjahyllyssä, muhi odottamassa otavan suri, pieni kokoelma filosfeista, jotka kaikkien pekka himata viksumpien idiootten tulisi tiettää]
Transcendental arguments are partly non-empirical, often anti-skeptical arguments focusing on necessary enabling conditions either of coherent experience or the possession or employment of some kind of knowledge or cognitive ability, where the ___opponent is not in a position to question the fact of this experience, knowledge, or cognitive ability, and where the revealed preconditions include what the opponent questions. Such arguments take as a premise some obvious fact about our mental life—such as some aspect of our knowledge, our experience, our beliefs, or our cognitive abilities—and add a claim that some other state of affairs is a necessary condition of the first one___. Transcendental arguments most commonly have been deployed against a position denying the knowability of some extra-mental proposition, such as the existence of other minds or a material world. Thus these arguments characteristically center on a claim that, for some extra-mental proposition P, the indisputable truth of some general proposition Q about our mental life requires that P. Eighteenth Century Prussian philosopher Immanuel Kant is usually credited with introducing the systematic use of the transcendental argument. His use of it included arguments aimed at refuting epistemic skepticism, as well as arguments with the more fundamental purpose of showing the legitimacy of the application of certain concepts—in particular those of substance and cause—to experience. Later scholars have developed a variety of general objections to the transcendental argument strategy. ____In response, some recent__ and contemporary__ philosophers__ have offered updated strategies__ similar in form to transcendental arguments, but with less__ controversial__ premises and/or more modest__ goals.
(1) I think.
(2) In order to think “I think,” it is necessary to exist.
(3) Hence, I exist.
vrt. azgaroth@bat
He is the leader of the Human race.
He has killed: All hope, 11 exp
>"To be is to do" - Sokrates
>"To do is to be" - Jean-Paul Sartre
>"Do be do be do" - Frank Sinatra
Author Information
Adrian Bardon
Email: bardona@niversumity.wfu.edu
Wake Forest University
Last updated: July 13, 2006 | Originally published: July/13/2006
thanks for neat and coherent pages.. alltouhg you skipped over plton/socrate model comparamble to world of innovations, in wich all that tere is to be to be discovered already exists , but one has to find reason over consciousness... platonin-socrateen keksintöjen maailma on onn paikka jossa kaikki keksittävä jo on, sille pitää vain keksiä järkevä tarkoitus, joka ei ole sidoksissa tietoisuuteen...
vaikiata on taas... piirränkö... ympyrän hiekkaan :P