



I love morningsKeskiviikko 01.08.2007 16:33

This state has the ugliest spiders on earth. Every time im here I find an ugly spider in my bathroom and this time is no exception. The same kind of long legged, hair bodied black spider crawls in my bath tub and I just freak out and start screaming. As ugly as they are, I cant kill them so Im trying to figure it out how to just throw it to the toilet sink and flush it. They must have a family in this hotel cause I have seem these here all along.

Oh well the ones back home are even nastier - they are bigger and they have wings so they hop on the walls and are super-ugly!

Hoh hoijakkaaKeskiviikko 01.08.2007 07:38

Kylla on paskaa taa toissa kaynti. Miten voikin tarttua toisen huono olo - meni hermot tanaan yhdelle e-afrikassa asuvalle kollegalle joka on kiukutellu viimesen viikon ja tilannetta ei helpota yhtaan etta hommaa on ihan helvetisti, ens vkolla en itse ehdi tehda mitaan ja kollega on kolme seuraavaa vkoa kursseilla tavoittamattomissa. kauhea pushaus aikataulujen kanssa eika apua saa helvetti mistaan kun testaus-avuksi on laitettu V>>>U mita sattuu.

Krisu ja Anil lahtee huomenna mexicoon ja vituttaa sekin - makin haluan, miks kaikki muut menee sinne paitsi mina????

Neuvi soitti ihan yllattaen ja kun kysyin missa se on ollu niin mika on vastaus? No mexico tietenkin. kun kysyin kenen kanssa, oli vastaus epamaarainen yhden duunikaverin kanssa. Toivon etten olis kysyny ja tulin siitakin todella huonolle tuulelle.

Mikahan tallaiseen vitutukseen auttaa?

taidan tietaa vastauksen. Ja Millakin taitaa tietaa.

I want a life.Tiistai 31.07.2007 07:46

Somebody please help.

Vitun SynttaritMaanantai 30.07.2007 17:18

Vituttaa etta missaan omat synttaribileeni - kiitos Juse ja kumppanit kun kysyitte kayko kaikille sankareilloe jarjestamanne paiva.

HOMEPerjantai 27.07.2007 16:18


WeirdTorstai 26.07.2007 07:27

I have been on a weird mood the whole week. I dont feel like socializing and get tired so early. I almost feel bad that I dont go out with my colleagus every night, but I dont just feel it right now.
maybe its the jet lag, or the fact that I already spend days with 30 other people in a same class room or maybe im just lacking Heidi-time and need to be alone for a while.

However, I hit the outlet and found amazing things: a pair of heels, a dress, a top, 2 belts and Tommy H sheets.
And on my way home I picked take out from my favourite restaurant (Charlies).

Its only 9.26 and I cant keep my eyes open so Im gonna go to the sleepuy land now.
It must be the jet lag.


I love shoppingKeskiviikko 25.07.2007 06:49

Had an OK day at the office, booked a couple of flights (Finland and San Fransisco) and went to the mall with Milla and found nice stuff.
I have missed these malls so much.

I wish this week was already over and I wass home!!

South Carolina.Tiistai 24.07.2007 07:10

Here we are again - feels like I was away from this city for a long time.
Nice to be back even though I would have loved to just stay home in Phoenix and hang out with my friends.
Lots of friends here this week which is nice.

Home at lastMaanantai 23.07.2007 18:48

Im finally home after a very painful flight from London (got stuck there for 24hrs).
Its great to be back in Phoenix but unfortunately too soon back to business - Im already sitting at the airport on my way to Houston.

The weather is SO hot and I managed to stay at the pool for 3 hrs yesterday.
Feels good to be home.

My Last Day in FinlandTorstai 19.07.2007 13:16

This is it - the end of the vacation and tonight I will head back to USA.
Hannu and the family came here last night- today we will go to the Circus with little Klara
and later on I will take the buss to Helskinki. Here I come USA and I cant wait!