



I love homeTiistai 14.08.2007 00:03

Its so wonderful to be home. I left the house 4.30 am this morning and headed to Starbucks to get some work done. What a funny feeling it was to drive a couple of blocks knowing that I can drive home in 5 minutes after "work" hah.

Its been 8 moonths since I moved here - the US post sent me a letter that I have to confirm my new address if Im staying there permanently - and I think I am, at least for now.

Huh its hot weekend again, I can hardly lay down by the pool without getting a heart attack every 20min and its almost impossible to try to do anything, even read a book as you really have to concentrate on just being conscious. I knew it would be a hot summer but some days are just too much.

Oh well, its nice to take it easy, chill and to know that I DONT have to fly anywhere tomorrow. But there is a lot to do and Im not on vacation, the house has to be left on its own again for a month, and get ready when mom arrives Sep 14th.

Its been a family communication weekend..I was happy to hear that Hannu moved in with Kristel finally and is facing a new challange in his company when accepting a new position as a trainer. Someone else from my past also called from Finland this weekend with very surprising news and I couldnt believe it. I suppose this life is full of surprises after all.

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 10.08.2007 02:50

Got a nice phone call last night from someone i miss.
Funny how time flies but still you catch up like it was yesterday.
People you think you lost never went anyway and are still there in your life.
Its a nice feeling.

Yeah going home early!Perjantai 10.08.2007 02:48

Yeah I get to go home early tomorrow morning, hopefully on stand by.
The classes are done today so if Im lucky I will be home by 10am tomorrow haha!

So HAPPY. a week from now I will be packing my stuff again for the Finland, crazy.

Ocean take me awayTorstai 09.08.2007 06:54

San Fransisco looks great - not as mind blowing as I thought but nice anyway.
im sure it would feel different to be here on vacation.

I wanna come here with my girls one day and hit the city big time.
Girls - lets think about it next time when you hit Phoenix hah!

San FransiscoMaanantai 06.08.2007 20:28

Got here last night and was so tired after a delayed flight.
The air feels good, only 60 something and I can smell the sea - nice.

im gonna enjoy it while im here as this might be once in a lifetime.

Taking off again.Maanantai 06.08.2007 09:24

Good weekend, lots of Harry, swimming, checking out the BURTON store and good deals from last seasons stuff and went out with Alan on Friday in Tempe.
NIce and relaxing but am not happy to hang out at the airport on Sunday evening at 9pm knowing that my flight is 2hrs delayed, dammit.

Oh well i will make hopefully by 3am today.

It was hot as hell this weekend and really a torture to be at the pool, so I stayed mostly in the water hah.

I miss one person in my life.

Mama im coming homePerjantai 03.08.2007 01:35

Mom comes to see the hoods in Phoenix September 14th - cool.

YEAH HOME SWEET HOME!Torstai 02.08.2007 17:12

Finally its Thursday - its been a busy and hard week, good but just really stressfull.
Hope it all goes smoothly today, I have a couple of tough meetins to go.
Hopefully the flights go smoothly too - its thundering down there in Phoenix.

Mom will come along with me from Finland Sep 14th to visit PHX for a couple of weeks, we just spoke on the phone this morning. Nice to show her around.

I love morningsKeskiviikko 01.08.2007 16:33

This state has the ugliest spiders on earth. Every time im here I find an ugly spider in my bathroom and this time is no exception. The same kind of long legged, hair bodied black spider crawls in my bath tub and I just freak out and start screaming. As ugly as they are, I cant kill them so Im trying to figure it out how to just throw it to the toilet sink and flush it. They must have a family in this hotel cause I have seem these here all along.

Oh well the ones back home are even nastier - they are bigger and they have wings so they hop on the walls and are super-ugly!