



[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.10.2007 09:57

No niin, huomenna sitten lentoon - toivottavasti ei kay nain?

Adios kaikki ja terve SUOMI, kohta nahdaan.

Opening of the fallSunnuntai 14.10.2007 22:43

I officially opened the fall season with my neighbour Beverly - we sat on my patio last night and enjoyed some cider as well.

It so nice and cool outside in the evening now and really enjoyable to spend some time outside. after 4 moths the hot season starts again so have to take advantage of this now.

SO not on a mood to start packing my stuff, especially the winter boots and jackets. Hey North Pole - I dont know if I can handle it!

A new patioSunnuntai 14.10.2007 10:29

Bought the whole new set for my patio today. actually its for Milla, will be nice to burn candles, sit outside and have some cider (here cider is a christmas drink hah).

Lesson of today (regarding that video clip) never give up!

A stranger from way backPerjantai 12.10.2007 20:20

Funny that a stranger from way back contacted me. Such a nice fellow.

And another dear one just broke great news too (Milla - welcome to Phoenix this Christmas)

sattui yhtena paivanaPerjantai 12.10.2007 01:01

Makoilin siina altaalla niin kuin joka paiva, ja sitten siihen tuli musta mies ja sen pieni tytto joka poskutteli siina aikansa. sitten se meni isansa luo ja kysyi: Isa, miksi tuo tati ei ui. isa vastasi etta koska tati ottaa aurinkoa. tytto mietti hetken ja kysyi, isa, miksi tati ottaa aurinkoa. isa vastaa: koska han haluaa olla kaunis ja ruskea niin kuin mekin. Ruskea nayttaa kauniilta. Tytto miettii hetken ja sanoo- isa, mina en halua olla ruskea, haluan olla niin kuin tuo tati.

Tarinan opetus?

Juo maitoa alaka kaakaota (hahah)

Hot againKeskiviikko 10.10.2007 06:05

What a hot day today, just when I thought that the fall is here, Im sweating my ass off hah! oh well but its cooler anyway and you can feel that the winter is coming. Will be a funny christmas this year - here in Phoenix.

Any volunteers to escape the xmas hassle to the sun and have margaritas with me under the tree?

QuestionTiistai 09.10.2007 18:45

What is soft, brown, vibrates and cuddles you anytime when needed?
Well, its my new massaging sausage-pillow. Crazy, I was walking around with my friend last night and we entered a store that sels all this funny stuff, electronics mainly and this pillow caught my eye - looks like a sausage you put around your neck. It has a battery inside and once you push the buttons, it starts massaging you. and I thought that the electric knife is the craziest invention americans have?

But hey, maybe its not the person who invented this but the person who actually BOUGHT it.

-a happy new owner of that massaging pillow-

Where's the motivation?Maanantai 08.10.2007 22:58

No motivation to work today.