


Do you dream too much ?

...Perjantai 26.09.2008 21:53

Oon vittupää..

Niksat... :FFFFF

Anna anteeks...

a little piece of heaven...Perjantai 26.09.2008 21:31

Our love had been so strong for far too long,
I was weak with fear that
Something would go wrong,
Before the possibilities came true,
I took all possibility from you
Almost laughed myself to tears,
Conjuring his deepest fears

Must have stabbed him fifty fucking times
I can't believe it
Ripped his heart out right before his eyes
Eyes over easy, eat it eat it eat it...

The moments died...Torstai 25.09.2008 17:34

There's always something different going wrong!

The path I walk is in the wrong direction!

There's always someone fucking hanging on!

Can anybody help me make it better?

tuli toi ku lisäsin uuden kuvan :OMaanantai 22.09.2008 22:11

Sinulta on poistettu viimeisen kuukauden aikana kuvia ylläpidon toimesta. Lisääthän IRC-Galleriaan vain sääntöjen mukaisia kuvia, sillä toistuva kuvasääntöjen rikkominen johtaa tunnuksesi jäähyttämiseen.

HAJOSINKO EES !Maanantai 22.09.2008 19:04

22.09.2008 10:11 <Ylläpito> Alaikäisyytesi vuoksi liian paljastavat kuvat on poistettu kuva-arkistostasi.

...Sunnuntai 21.09.2008 23:17


prööötSunnuntai 21.09.2008 01:07


eile oli kivaa<3

katti oli meillä<3

ja tilattiin pitsaa<3

otettiin tyhmiä kuvia<3 ja kivojakin<3

ja naurettiin<3

nyt katti on kotona</3

on tylsää</3

ikävä kattia<3

...Lauantai 20.09.2008 22:19

Ja vielä vähän sitä maustetta,
Joll' ei oo nimee, vaan
Sen tuntee heti, kun sitä saa.

Can't think of a titleTiistai 16.09.2008 21:58

people say "thats the way of life"
its full of trouble, pain and strife,
when it hits you like a punch,
you just want another persons touch,
to hold you close, make it ok,
try to help you fix your day,
but there isnt always someone there,
there isnt always a person who cares,
and then we turn to the one thing,
that when it slices seems to sing,
it sings of pain and sweet release,
and all your troubles seem to cease,
until you realise what youve done,
as the blood begins to run,
and pools along with all your tears,
a mixture of fluids and your fears,
to be replaced by regret,
as your arm continues to wet,
and then you remember that one friend,
taht said they'd be there til the end,
you call them up and start to speak,
and then you both begin to weep,
them for your troubles, you for their kindness,
and also for your acts of violence,
towards yourself which is never needed,
your realise you need never have bleeded,
and tried to let the pain run dry,
as you sat there alone and cried
and one thought hits you like another punch,
and here it comes the final crunch,
while the blood and tears may wash away,
the scars forever on skin will stay