


on iloinen

....Perjantai 02.10.2009 01:29

1. Kunnioitatko opettajia?
- jaa a

2. Oletko alkoholisti?
- en

3. Yksi kaverisi, josta pidät?
- joku

4. Pidätkö jäätelöstä?
- iha ok

5. Jokin muu numero kuin nolla?
- 11

6. Pidätkö suklaasta?
- menee

7. Pidätkö kesästä?
- joo

8. Mainitse joku paikka, mielikuvitusta saa käyttää!!
- sauna

9. Onko hyväkroppainen nainen seksikkäämpi kuin tyypillinen kaljamaha?
- kai

10. Jonkun muun kaverin nimi kuin kohdassa 3?
- jaa a

11. Jälleen jokin muu numero kuin nolla, ei samaa kuin kohdassa 5!
- 2

12. Pidätkö banaanista?
- enköhän

13. Laita tähän joko kohdan 3. tai kohdan 10 kaveri, ei väliä kumpi?
- joku

14. Jokin luku 10-100?
- 78

15. Juureskasvi?
- ööö

16. Jokin lempivärisi?
- musta

17. Jokin muu väri kuin äskeinen?
- valkonen

18. Pidätkö musiikin kuuntelusta?
- välil

19. Mainitse yksi ystäväsi?
- se

No niin! Nyt luet vastauksesi ja kirjoita ne samassa järjestyksessä alle, lue mielellään ääneen.

KOITA pitää pokkasi...

1. Puhuitko totta?
- jaa a

2. Oletko neitsyt?
- en

3. Ketä rakastat?
- joku

4. Oletko maannut hänen kanssa?
- iha ok

5. Kuinka monta kertaa?
- 11

6. Piditkö siitä?
- menee

7. Haluatko lisää?
- joo

8. Missä SE tapahtui ensimmäisen kerran?
- sauna

9.Onko sinulla toinen?
- kai

10. Hänen nimensä?
- jaa a

11. Kuinka montaa kertaa olet maannut hänen kanssaan?
- 2

12. Oliko teillä kivaa?
- enköhän

13. Kummalla oli isompi?
- joku

14. Kuinka monta senttiä pitkä?
- 78

15. Mitä se muistutti?
- ööö

16. Minkä värinen se oli ennen SITÄ?
- musta

17. Entäpä jälkeen päin?
- valkonen

18. Oletko koskaan kokeillut "tree-somea?"
- välil

19. Kuka oli kolmantena?
- se

20. kopsaisitko tämän päiväkirjaasi, jotta voisin nauraa myös sinulle? !!

plaahTiistai 29.09.2009 03:54

tää galleria on edelleen ihan tylsä paikka. mut ei se mtn, koska ei täällä oo pakko käydä eikä olla<3

SANOKAA moi: moi mloi :))

escape the fate- situationsKeskiviikko 19.08.2009 18:27

The situations are irrelevant now.
She loves the way that I tease.
I love the way that she breathes.

I touched her (ohh).
She touched my (ahhh).
It was the craziest thing.

I love the girls who hate to love because they're just like me.
A certain girl she took my hand and ran it up her thigh.
She licked her lips and pulled my hair I fall in love for a night.

She can't behave and I'm just a slave.
Don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.

Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened lying is your favorite passion.
Leave me go where you belong,
Higher heels and lipstick napkins dying is your latest fashion.

The frustration it's a regular thing
I hate the ones who love to hate because they're just like me.
A certain girl she took her hand and put in my lap
It's way too full she said once you have me you'll always come back.

She can't behave and I'm just a slave,
don't worry I'll be gone when the morning comes.

Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened lying is your favorite passion
Leave me go where you belong
Higher heels and lipstick napkins dying is your latest fashion.

I know you love to insist and all it takes is a kiss and you just
Love to hate me.

You know you love all the lies so don't act surprised but I just
Love to hate you.

I kissed your lips you pulled my hair it was the craziest thing. I
Love the girls who love to hate. (Breathing)

(Whoa!) Darling what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me go where you belong higher heels
And lipstick napkins dying is your latest fashion

Darling(leave me) what is going on?
Honestly that never happened
Lying is your favorite passion
Leave me(darling) go where you belong higher heels
And lipstick napkins dying is your favorite PASSION

hmm...Keskiviikko 19.08.2009 14:49

ei taida enää kauheesti porukka oleskella täällä galtsussa tai tehdä mitään muutakaan :D

A.TTiistai 04.08.2009 00:56

You told me
There's no need
To talk it out
'Cause it's too late
To proceed
And slowly
I took your words
And walked away

No looking back
I won't regret, no
I will find my way
I'm broken
But still I have to say

It's alright, ok
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
Alright, ok
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won't return
Our bridge has burnt down
I'm stronger now
Alright, ok
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry

You played me
Betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrait a role
You took control, I
I couldn't help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear

Don't waist you fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It's way too late
I'm closing the door

A.TTiistai 04.08.2009 00:55

You told me
There's no need
To talk it out
'Cause it's too late
To proceed
And slowly
I took your words
And walked away

No looking back
I won't regret, no
I will find my way
I'm broken
But still I have to say

It's alright, ok
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry
Alright, ok
So don't you bother what I do
No matter what you say
I won't return
Our bridge has burnt down
I'm stronger now
Alright, ok
I'm so much better without you
I won't be sorry

You played me
Betrayed me
Your love was nothing but a game
Portrait a role
You took control, I
I couldn't help but fall
So deep
But now I see things clear

Don't waist you fiction tears on me
Just save them for someone in need
It's way too late
I'm closing the door

i hate you so much right now!!Lauantai 01.08.2009 13:28

i dont want you near me you selfish son of a bitch!

vittuMaanantai 27.07.2009 12:06


lampunhenkiTiistai 21.07.2009 05:17

saanko 3 toivomusta?

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 21.07.2009 05:17

Too many men
Too many people
Making too many problems
And not much love to go round
Can't you see
This is a land of confusion