
bobbey ( vanha )Maanantai 13.04.2009 23:48

let me tell you one thing thats for sure
peace and love is what life is made for
i know you think its hard to find
a loving person thats one of a kind
help yourself today and your friend tomorrow
take care of your life cause its only for borrow
and if you screwed up dont let it get you down
doesnt matter if your white or brown
say it out loud
come hold my hand
nobody is alone here , together we stand.
if you never fall you can never get up
the first fall feels like a gunshot
dont hurry in life, stand on one spot
show everybody what your made of and what you got.
remember love is right and war is wrong
find answers not problems and try to stay strong
listen to yourself and your heart
try to think twice, and try to think smart
violence and abuse never solves a shit
so all you wifebeaters and rapists think a bit!
i need more freedom, i need more space
cant you see it from the expression on my face?
what im writing is coming from my heart
bobbey and music wont get teared apart.
peace out to all my people
and remember, were equal
dont let money control your life
throw away your gun and knife
1, 2 and1 2 3 dont forget who i be
its missis bobbey
im not impossible but im not easy
im just writing whats on my mind
just chasing my thoughts , they are hard to find
my life has been like a rollercoaster
but the falls just brought me closer
to reality and thinking twice
i started to listen to peoples advice
sometimes feels like i am loosing control
i just want to stop and put the world on hold
i see different things that i have been told
some people treat me good some treat me cold
keep your dreams and keep your hope
doesnt matter if your rich or broke
stand up for your rights with pride
your opinion aint something you should hide.
dont try to be someone you are not,
because then the real you will be something you forgot
i said keep your dreams keep your hope
yup, bobbey just spoke
one thing i dont really get is money
its kinda makes people act wierd and funny
because suddenly your favorite color is green
and a Gucci bag is the greatest thing you have ever seen
a little bitch starts to act like shes the queen
i say life is good shared with a friend
and a real one thats there for you from the beggining to the end
so turn up your headphones and speakers
cause im talking about a real friend, like tweekerz
i know i already should stop writing
but this is my pleasure, and also my way of fighting
my problems and my thoughts
music is what really brings
creativity and pleasure, those amazing things


Okej tää on iha hullu juttu.teesatkaa, ensin menkää tähä osoitteeseen, mut mä suosittelen et ottakaa ääni pois videost, ja paussaa:
sen jälkeen mene tähän osoitteesen laita biisi Morning ft cstar pyörimää.
sen jälkeen otatte toisest välilehdest sen toisen linkin (videon)pyörimää. tehkää niin kuin siinä sanotaa.

Okeesti iha sickkkk

mä vaa laitoin sen cstar biisin tähä ku se sopii PALJO PAREMPI . worth the effort.

muistakaa en ole LSD:n puolest :DDDDDD tää on vaa nii vitun siisti

TeElL mELauantai 11.04.2009 18:57

ennen ku mä lähen ulos nii mulle jäi yks asia mieleen. mitä mieltä ootte täst?
jos kardinal offishall on kanadasta nii miks sil on patois aksentti?
wannnabe jamaikalainen? hmmmmm

Bobbey de fallo dice: Lauantai 11.04.2009 01:19

Hey todos los que leen bobbey diario! Recuerde que para divertirse en la vida
Haga algo de su vida. lo vive porque al fin usted sólo tiene una vida para vivir. paso mi tiempo alrededor de personas y música buena.
me llamo saara y yo adoro fumar hierba. lo legaliza. las otras la mayoría de las cosas importantes en mi vida son también músicas. música y relaciones humanas son mi vida. respeto
"right now?
right now im better then jay z
lil wayne
and kanye west"
-kuka sanoo näin? SOULJA BOY : DD

LOL Tiistai 24.03.2009 15:50

meidän kouluun tulee koulupoliisi
hmm?mitä vittua poliisi meiän koulus sit puuhastelee?
kameroist on puhuttu niit ei tuu , mut. . . lol koulupoliisi tulee.
aionpa vaihtaa pari sanaa sen herra sinisen kanssa ja kysellä että mitä hän tässä tekee.
aika vitun turhaa:D lol
koulupoliisi . . siis se on kuulema poliisi siviiliasussa joka on sit meiän koulus tarkkailemas ja ilmottelee kaikenlaist opettajille. nii yks ope sen selitti mulle. tarkkailee? eiks niitten pitäis suojella ja auttaa? ei. . ne vaa ettii ongelmii
eiks niit smurffej ja vartioit ja poliisei oo jo tarpeeks?-.-
pitää kouluihinki viel pistää jotai tommosii asennevammasii tyyppei.