
[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 08.08.2008 20:48

dii-ii-ii-ii-jne-isco inferno.


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 14.07.2008 16:00

Varför får jag inte på mig dina blåjeans?

p.s.Torstai 19.06.2008 17:47

juon töissä skumppaa.

har en..Torstai 19.06.2008 17:45

jätterolig midsommaren, ni alla!

jag ska åka till ksnk och sen till mäntyharju. där ska jag och 14 andra personer sitta inne i stugan och lyssna när regnet slår på taken.

och jag har inte talat eller skrivat svenska i många många år, jag är så tråkig med det här :D så jag ska bara vara tyst nu :D

ALLE KAKSI VUOROKAUTTA ♥Lauantai 14.06.2008 00:55

All my life I've been searching for something

Something never comes never leads to nothing

Nothing satisfies but I'm getting close

Closer to the prize at the end of the rope

All night long I dream of the day

When it comes around then it's taken away

Leaves me with the feeling that I feel the most

Feel it come to life when I see your ghost

klaraKeskiviikko 30.04.2008 12:05

vappen !

silmiin & sydämiinKeskiviikko 16.04.2008 13:02

nagTorstai 20.03.2008 14:25


nag. meme top 50.Tiistai 11.03.2008 18:10

1. How did you get into 29?
- probably maba or jönde got some songs onto their computers. this chris corner's side project got into my ears in early 2007 i think. like it more than sneaker pimps actually :) (IAMX)

2. What was the first song you ever heard by 22?
- buddy holly? (weezer)
- miss murder. (afi)

3. What's your favorite lyric by 33?
- maybe fireworks or run. (carpark north)

4. What is your favorite album by 49?
- the virgin suicides soundtrack! (air)

5. How many albums by 13 do you own?
- 7. (radiohead)

6. What is your favorite song by 50?
- lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off. (panic! at the disco)

7. Is there a song by 39 that makes you sad?
- not really. all their songs are so energetic and hyper :) (i was a teenage satan worshipper)

8. What is your favorite song by 15? (Tori Amos)
- past the mission. (tori amos)

9. What is your favorite song by 5?
- awwh.. disarm, speed kills, this time, blue, stand inside your love, tonight tonight.. (the smashing pumpkins)

10. Is there a song by 6 that makes you happy?
- the masses against the classes for example. not the lyrics but the feeling. (manic street preachers)

11. What is your favorite album by 40?
- they haven't made an album yet, just to EP's. love them both :) (at the end)

12. What is your favorite song by 10?
- panic, i need fixing, water, a bore, passion. (manboy)

13. What is a good memory you have involving 30?
- i wish i could say to this 'the gig' :D but noeh.. i'll just say the autumn evenings when there's cold outside but warm inside. (rufus wainwright)

14. What is your favorite song by 38?
- slow hands (interpol).

15. Is there a song by 19 that makes you happy?
- loads! for example it takes a fool to remaine sane. that song just never dies. (the ark)

16. How many times have you seen 25 live?
- haven't seen yet :( (snow patrol)

17. What is the first song you ever heard by 23?
- i don't have a number 23 right now, both weezer and afi are at spot 22.. and i already answered them :)

18. What is your favorite album by 11?
- the colour and the shape, skin and bones. (foo fighters)

19. Who is a favorite member of 1?
- gotta say brian ;) (placebo)

20. Have you ever seen 14 live?
- nope. (30 seconds to mars)

21. What is a good memory involving 27?
- again, the same as with rufus :) both these men were introduced to me by a good friend. (ed harcourt)

22. What is your favorite song by 16?
- pretty when you cry, thrown away. (VAST)

23. What is the first song you ever heard by 47?
- low happening? i dunno. (howling bells)

24. What is your favorite album by 18?
- the great cold distance. (katatonia)

25. What is your favorite song by 21?
- the noose, pet. (a perfect circle)

26. What is the first song you ever heard by 26?
- probably no one knows. (queens of the stone age)

27. What is your favorite album by 3?
- the downward spiral. (nine inch nails)

28. What is you favorite song by 2?
- gosh.. unintended, easily, feeling good, stockholm syndrome, invincible.. (muse)

29. What was the first song you ever heard by 32?
- am i wry? no. i'm not sure though. (mew)

30. What is you favorite song by 8?
- stop swimming, trains, lazarus, a smart kid. (porcupine tree)

31. How many times have you seen 17 live?
- haven't seen them either.. how come these 'seen live' questions keep stopping to artists i haven't seen :D (death cab for cutie)

32. Is there a song by 44 that makes you happy?
- i don't think so, they're murky :) (ulver)

33. What is you favorite album by 12?
- alice et june. (indochine)

34. What is the worst song by 45?
- i don't know.. (the killers)

35. What was the first song you ever heard by 34?
- probably neighbourhood #1 or #4. (the arcade fire)

36. What is you favorite album by 48?
- friday night lights? dunno. (explosions in the sky)

37. How many times have you seen 42 live?
- arrrgh, zero to this one too! (peaches)

38. What is your favorite song by 36?
- metamphetamine blues. (mark lanegan)

39. What was the first song you ever heard by 28?
- tanssiin. (sara)

40. What is you favorite album by 7?
- neon ballroom. (silverchair)

41. Is there a song by 31 that makes you happy?
- maybe city. but a song rarely makes me happy, if i'm in a soggy mood. (JJ72)

42. What is your favorite album by 41?
- good apollo i'm burning star IV vol.1 from fear through the eyes of madness. (coheed and cambria)

43. What is your favorite song by 24?
- safe, spark undone, fires. (stereo sister)

44. What is a good memory you have involving 46?
- nothing that special linkin to this either.. the memory questions keep coming to artist which are relatively new to me. (khoma)

45. What is your favorite song by 35?
- boy's don't learn. (pedestrian's motor)

46. Is there a song by 9 that makes you happy?
- dead disco. (lapko)

47. What is your favorite album by 4?
- verkligen or isola. (kent)

48. Who is a favorite member of 37?
- that'd be mr buckley alright. (jeff buckley)

49. What is the first song you ever heard by 43?
- oh la la maybe. (goldfrapp)

50. How many albums do you own by 20?
- 3 + heima dvd. (sigur rós)