
youre superman Lauantai 24.11.2007 13:55

verse:i sow this girl at the bar
she look`t scared, so i ask`t
whats wrong she say`t my ex
boy is searching me and this is
what i told her

b-part-just hold on me
ill save you.dont
worry as longs you
with me nothing will
happend cos

chorys:im youre hero everything will
be alright so hold on me cos
we gona touch the stars tonight
im youre super man so lets fly high
dont you know that im youre man
ill save you tonight

verse2:now she saying boy this feels
good, you make me feel something
new,she like the way i make her smile
no proplems when you with me cos she
knows the s on my chest jesh

b-part:just hold on me
i wont let go
when we fly higher
then plane (let me talk to u)

chorys:im youre hero everything will
be alright so hold on me cos
we gona touch the stars tonight
im youre super man so lets fly high
dont you know that im youre man
ill save you tonight

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