
UUTTA TUOTANTOASunnuntai 01.02.2009 22:38

Well hellow party people:D tota pitäs tässä nyt puhuu mitä toi uutta tuotantoa
tarkottaa... kaikki jotka on lukenu mun päiväkirjaa varmastikki tietää tosta (aaron s, neilistä)
no se projekti viel pysyy ja sitä tehään heti ku löydän hyvän sanottajan joka osaa sanottaa
suomeks siis tarkotan sanottaa ni en tarkota mitään pieru sanoja :D joita mult tulee ku yritän
suomeks sanottaa, haluun tehä ASN levystä kaunista eli kauniit soinut jota hoitaa tuottajani miikku
niminen sälli (voin vaa sanoo että se poika osaa tuottaa) mutta myöski sanat pitää olla koskettavat
en haluu pelkästää "jee baaris oltiin nähtiin kaks kissaa joilta saatiin" eeeei kiitos koska se ei kuulosta multa:D vai ??? no ei siit enempää. ASN (Aaron S, Neill) levy on ensimmäinen minkä yritän tehä suomenkielellä joten siitä tulee kiinostavaa..toivottavasti, eli jos löytyy hyviä sanottajia ni laittakaa
mulle joitaki sanoja mitä haluutte ehkä mun laulavan mutta MUISTAKAA EI MITÄÄN YLLÄMAINITTUA
BAARI SANOJA:D ja nyt sitten toiseen asiaan eli alkuperänen artisti on tulossa takas
uudella tuotannolla jos pääsen yhteisymmärykseen jenkkiläisen tuottajan kanssa (E.HUDSON) nimisen
sällin kanssa joka on lahjakas mies hänen nick name on THE PIANO MAN ja älkää ymmärtäkö väärin
tää jätkä on ultra lahjakas. nytten yritän sanottaa kahta biittiä joista toisen olen jo sanottanu ja sen voi lukea mun päiväkirjasta (starlight) niminen biisi ja sitten toinen biisi on vähän old school mäinen mut tosi hyvä funky like daaamn i love it mutta yritän nytten oikeesti tehä kumpaaki projektia,
ASN JA MR.CHASE albumia. thats all folks, tune in next time..p.s let the good times roll

starlightLauantai 31.01.2009 03:03

verse:all i know is that she back
like lightning in the skye`s
the star`s are so bright i need
my shades,cos when she smiles
she can blind the whole world
damn you got me again,feels like
this will never end but then would i want
this to end i thing no

chorys:i see starlights when
she next to me,i just feel
so good when you with me.
let me hold you tight,dont worry
ill be there tonight cos baby im yours

you my starlight,she my starlight.
starlight so bright she my starlight.

verse:now we sitting in my car watching
the moon,and all i wanna say is baby
i love you,but something is holding me back
is not that i dont love her is just cos i never felt
like this so sweet cos when i look into your eyes

chorys:i see starlights when
she next to me,i just feel
so good when you with me.
let me hold you tight,dont worry
ill be there tonight cos baby im yours

you my starlight,she my starlight.
starlight so bright she my starlight.

bridge:baby we can go where ever you like
i dont mind if we take time of from others
cos i wanna spend time with you,damn this
feels like magic,lets fly away just us we got dis
its all about what we feel,feel my heart beat
beat my heart beat can you feel my heart beat
my heart beat !!!

chorys:i see starlights when
she next to me,i just feel
so good when you with me.
let me hold you tight,dont worry
ill be there tonight cos baby im yours

you my starlight,she my starlight.
starlight so bright she my starlight.

greenlightTiistai 27.01.2009 03:24

verse:she just came in looking so good.
never seen her before is she new
in town. the way she moves damn
she got me feeling her,she drops low
she know`s what she dos. love aint
her game but still i respect her style,
dont know your name but it seems she
gave me the

chorys:green light shes mine tonight
i be your homie your lover your
ex dont need to know,we can
keep this downlow lets not let
them know,love her on top of me
she loves the way i make her feel
i thing this is match mate one night
stand,ill be the perfect man

without youTiistai 27.01.2009 02:46

chorys:take back what was yours
see i finaly know the reason
i was scared for,i thought i coulndt
find love after you,but gues what my
life after you is so much better cos im
without you,without you

verse:i can breath so easy,whitout you
i feel so free no pain no tears,without
you i can feel the beat of my heart,see
without you is like stoping smoking feel`s
good the poison is out of my system,cos
without you i can eat and sleep my nights
so baby

chorys:take back what was yours
see i finaly know the reason
i was scared for,i thought i coulndt
find love after you,but gues what my
life after you is so much better cos im
without you,without you

verse:is like i see again,my eyes are open again
withou you baby is like without the bad president
i can feel the change coming.without you my heart
can smile im like a new man my life is so bright its like
i can feel finaly the sunshine,feel the life coming back to
me,you did me a favor it was you who set me free so please

chorys:chorys:take back what was yours
see i finaly know the reason
i was scared for,i thought i coulndt
find love after you,but gues what my
life after you is so much better cos im
without you,without you

bridge:the flaslights flashing the cameras
taking picture they see me smile
lights flashing flashlights is all i see
after you.about you the only good thing
was when you left,i thought you were right
but im happy you aint,life without you is like
lights flashing now i see my flashlights

chorys:take back what was yours
see i finaly know the reason
i was scared for,i thought i coulndt
find love after you,but gues what my
life after you is so much better cos im
without you,without you

changeMaanantai 26.01.2009 03:00

verse:you say`t i love you,
and now here i em
without you.mayby i was
blind cos i didint see how
she was playing me,but i
never thought she would
brake me like this

chorys:im so done with
this the same mistakes
over and over again,the
same song its like this
song is on replay but
now is time to change

change cos im tired listning
the same song over and over again

verse:see i have a bad happit to fall for
a bad girls,i need me a girl that makes
me happy. who say`t women cant play
games,lies cheats keeps telling me still shes
mine,hope she sees me now im stronger that
last night so good bye cos

chorys:im so done with
this the same mistakes
over and over again,the
same song its like this
song is on replay but
now is time to change

change cos im tired listning
the same song over and over again

chorys:im so done with
this the same mistakes
over and over again,the
same song its like this
song is on replay but
now is time to change

change cos im tired listning
the same song over and over again

verse:en jaksa enää kuunella
muita oon niin kyllästyny
tyhjiin lupauksiin,tästä lähtien
teen omat säänöt annan vaa musiikin
viedä mua eteenpäin

bridge:älä anna niiden pistää sua
maahan,nouse aina ylös
ja yritä taas nii sä tuut olee
voittaja anna

chorys:musiikin ottaa ohjat nii saat
mitä haluut,anna rytmin liikuttaa
sua nii saat kaiken minkä oot aina toivonu

toinen minä,introducing aaron s,neillLauantai 24.01.2009 00:45

verse:älä sano että rakastat
mua vaa sentakii koska
se kuulostaa kivalta,koska
mulle se ei sillon meinaa
mitään. sano nii ku oikeesti
tunnet sen, niin sä mulle sanoit

bridge:mä oon valmis
oon kokonaan sun
mut sulla on mies
joten otit askeleit taakse
en tiedä mitä tapahtuu mut
aina ku sut nään ni mä muistan

chorys:et just täss siis tässä
me suudeltiin,ja tässä siis
just täss mä sua pidin mun


amazingTorstai 22.01.2009 23:04

verse:when she sings she can
make the world better place,
if she were president she would
bring a better change.when she
smile`s she makes the sun come
out,if you see her crying you will
feel pain in your heart thats why im
there to wipe the tears.she is

chorys:my amazing grase shes my
better place,my close friend
my future love,so amazing i cant
believe it but she made me see it and now

verse:when she speaks she can make you
believe,she lights my day makes my
nights saver shes my one and only
my late night lover my forever she she is

chorys:my amazing grase shes`s
better place,my close friend
my future love,so amazing i cant
believe it but she made me see it and now

outro. dont leave stay lets make this last
we wont let them come between us
you are all i need,i dont want the past
see nothing cant brake us apart,we so strong
together now i know im your`s forever<3

new love storyTiistai 20.01.2009 18:54

verse1:he can feel her heart
beat, he can tell when
she`s telling trueth and when
shes not so try to stop them
they like bonnie and clyde no
matter what we do they hold on

chorys:someone say`t love is
a lie, its something people
dream about but never comes
around,but i swear this is no lie
you can believe me or not look
into my eyes when i say theres
a new love story i can feel it can
you ?

verse2:i can hear the drums beat like she
was next to me i can feel her kiss
like she was right here, its like her
curse is now mine im wondering what will
i do where would i go should i stop searching
and then a voice told me not to stop no matter
what i do my other side will come my new love
even thought

chorys:someone say`t love is
a lie, its something people
dream about but never comes
around,but i swear this is no lie
you can believe me or not look
into my eyes when i say theres
a new love story i can feel it can
you ?

goneTiistai 20.01.2009 18:45

verse1:i did it and i didint even look
back so you took that,made you
mad but baby ask me if i care im
so tired got my stuff and by now
you should know im not coming back

chorys:im so long gone you can
tell your friends what you
want but im tired so tired
this is my last stand say good
bye to your good man cos im
long gone so gone !

verse2:you can look for reasons
but still the trueth is that
im better without you,now
i can breath is so heavenly
so crazy for sometime i thought
you were miss right miss mine
and now i took mine back you can
search but you wont see mee cuz

chorys:im so long gone you can
tell your friends what you
want but im tired so tired
this is my last stand say good
bye to your good man cos im
long gone so gone

bridge: you can search me you can
try to locate me but baby im
of the radar so for me its what
ever, now im up and im so strong
yeeeea im so long gone

chorys:im so long gone you can
tell your friends what you
want but im tired so tired
this is my last stand say good
bye to your good man cos im
long gone so gone