


Ku sä oot siinä ei oo olemassa mörköjä Sulle mä riitän sillon kun mä en yritä

:OMaanantai 08.03.2010 20:01

- Onko joku poika ihastunut sinuun tällä hetkellä? - no e vitus -.-"
- Seurusteletko juuri nyt ? - en
- Haluaisitko ? - -
- Onko pojat ihania? - vaan ( Chiko ja Niki ovat kivoja )
- Oletko ihastunut ? - ehk
- Kaipaatko häntä ? - kaipmää
- Edes vähän ? - kyl
- Voisitko himoita ystäväsi poikaystävää ? - no ei ja ketä muka kibarin poikaysäää joka on turkis tai kukkain joka on thaimas tai kikin joka on kiinas -.-"" ei kiitos ..
- Paras naispuolinen ystäväsi ? - KIKI & Kukkain feat. KIBAR
- Tykkäätkö pitää tyttökavereidesi kanssa leffailtoja ? - :D
- Voisitko seurustella tytön kanssa ? - en
- Oletko käynyt ystäväsi kanssa jossain hemmottelussa (kynsihoito, hieronta yms) - mä voin tehä itse XD huda tietää :P
- Onko sinulla joskus ollu 'cat fight' ystäväsi kanssa ? - joo ja aika paha -.-"
- Riiteletkö usein kavereidesi kanssa ? - e kun kibar on niin KILTTI JA ei ikinä suutuu mul :-D
- Haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tietty ihmistä ? - maybe
- Milloin itkit viimeksi ? - ikävä? vitutus?
- Mikä sinut saa yleensä itkemään ? - LATVIA ( sisällä monta asia) :(
- Kenen kanssa haluaisit parhaillaan olla kahdestaan? - :P
- Mikä on ihaninta, mitä sinulle on sanottu ? - oot ihana :)
- Rakastaako sinua kukaan ? - äitie kai:D
- Ikävöitkö ketään juuri nyt ? - toki :-)
- Kenen vieressä viimeksi nukuit ? - :O olisko kikin ?
- Kenen kanssa viimeksi nauroit ? - kukkai kiki, silja, huda, jenni ja TOKI päähenkilö KIBAR :D ( kelle me naurettiin )
- Ketä halasit viimeksi ? - KUKKAI <3
- Kuka sanoi viimeksi sinulle jotain kaunista ? - ai hä no e kukaan ..
- Kuka ystävistäsi asuu sinua lähimpänä ? - liisa:)
- Kaivannut jotakuta niin paljon, että sattuu ? - jep
- Laulanut suihkussa ? - én :O
- Katunut sitä että olet rakastanut jotakuta ? - Ei mul mitään vika o vaik rakastinkin ... se on HÄNEN ONGELMA SIT HMM....
- Ollut todella iloinen ? - AINA <3

i can´t say that i love u ;(Sunnuntai 07.03.2010 22:25

I..I am asking you my last favor
Again.. Cant you just come back to me again? pleaseÂ…
I believe My wish My Hope Untill he come and finds me now..

That we dont need love, that we should stop now
Every night, i think about my love

(You can now leave....)Im waiting. I really am .... you
You turn your back on me again. I believed that you would come to me

(I cant say those words) uh! you that I loved so much. so easily so easily
If i were to have confidence to live and forget, If only I could could have..

Please dont go. Even if i held you, you must have moved. (no matter how much i....)
I guess it means nothing to say that i love you. (I guess it doesnt mean anything)

Maybe he doesnt like me. thats why he left. (just leave)
Maybe im just waiting even if I know it wont work. (im really like a fool)

Before dawn, rain like dew falls down. And closed tears about to fall
In front of you, I keep it all in by smiling and force tears in.

Theres sometimes stuff that wont work no matter how hard you try. The more, i try in front of you, it wont work.
I cry, not able to do anything, I cry behind your back. And I cry without any noise.

(While crying....) I wont cry in front of you
(While crying....) I wont let my tears fall anymore
(He) I wont look for where He is

Do you think I will be that happy for being with someone else?
Does the other girls do as much as me?

Dont know you really dont know
Do you think love is that easy?

The memories come back....
Break up, maybe its breaking up. No maybe its foolish, foolishness.
I should have not met you in the first place.

Even if i try to wait. Even if i try my hardest.
Wont you really know?

The words, I love you. That I am your all.
I probably wont be able to say those wordsÂ…


sipuli...Lauantai 06.03.2010 17:36

KIVA tän hiustyylin kaa, mikä mul o ny NÄYTÄN ihan SIPULILTA :--D
MUTTA sipuli on söpööö :--D <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

chelsi :(Perjantai 05.03.2010 16:28

meen ny koirani kaa eläinlääkäril :---( !!!!!!! vaik en tie varmast mis se on -- EI HÄTÄÄ SABINA HOITAA :)
Toivottovast kaik ei o niin paha kun se näyttä ;

<3Torstai 04.03.2010 14:42

tänää olis kiva pv tiedos :--D <3 love u

JA?Keskiviikko 03.03.2010 15:44

en halua edes tiedä-.- kun oot tollainen paskaihminen....

...Tiistai 02.03.2010 13:58

Look, look at me, me. Look at me straight in the eyes.
Look, you are already look at elsewhere.
Check it one two three, you only keep looking at the clock.
You don't have to tell me. I know you got someone else.

(If you had just told me honestly that you hate me.
Then I wouldn't have hated you to death.

check it one two three. Remembering your words, they are all silly lies.)

Love is going. Love is leaving.
(One person and one love. Everything that I've been used to)
I should erase you after tonight.
(Yes, I should force myself to erase you. I should do so since you abandoned me)
(Gone Gone my love is gone)

lomaa-.-!Maanantai 01.03.2010 14:04

niin ja tylsä on -.-

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 27.02.2010 19:28

When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love
Can I get to your soul
Can you get to my thoughts
Can you promise we won't let go
All the things that I need
All the things that you need
You can make it feel so real.
Cuz you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I touch your body
I feel I'm loosing control
Cuz you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I see you baby
I just don't wanna let go
When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love
I hate to see you cry
Your smile is a beautiful lie
I hate to see you cry
My love is dying inside x2
I can fix all those lies
But baby, baby I run, but I'm running to you
You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you
Oh baby I'll try to make the things right
I need you more than air when I'm not with you
Please don't ask me why, just kiss me this time
My only dream is about you and I
Can I get to your soul
Can you get to my thoughts
Can you promise we won't let go
All the things that I need
All the things that you need
You can make it feel so real
Cuz you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I touch your body
I feel I'm losing control
Cuz you can't deny
You've blown my mind
When I see you baby
I just don't wanna let go
When you're gonna stop breaking my heart
I don't wanna be another one
Paying for the things I never done
Don't let go
Don't let go
To my love
I hate to see you cry
My love is dying inside
I can fix all those lies
But baby, baby I run, but I'm running to you
You won't see me cry, I'm hiding inside
My heart is in pain but I'm smiling for you
Oh baby I'll try to make the things right
I need you more than air when I'm not with you
Please don't ask me why, just kiss me this time
My only dream is about you and I

kukkain bileet :--DLauantai 27.02.2010 17:52

njooo aluks mä jenni jenna ja kiki jäätiin vääräl pysäkil:o... mut njo sitten meni kaikki hyvin :--D..nyt ne kattoo paranomal activity mut mä en uskalla kattoo sitä;p