
[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 31.05.2008 17:53

siinä meni seki 9 vuotta.


MISSÄ MIEHET RATSASTAA feat. Tiia (Y) Sunnuntai 25.05.2008 02:38

aliastaTorstai 22.05.2008 22:34

Emmi: "Öö...Teklalla on niskasa tämmöne!"

Katja: "Näppy! Luomi!"

Emmin ilme: -.-

Emppa, Make ja Heba hajos. :D


Katja: "Aijaa..."

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 19.05.2008 22:12

-Essiyyy sanoo:
Laita sille nuutille et "onks sul kuvii galtsus ko mun kaverin pitäs nähä minkä näköne oot et kannattaaks sult ostaa skootterii." : D

kage sanoo:

ahaha :'D

~ matikantuntiiPerjantai 16.05.2008 19:27

Essi: " on mua päätä pitempi!!"

Katja: "no jos pää on sun mielestä 10cm, nii sitte..."

Essi: "no..."

Katja hajos :'D

virheistä oppiiKeskiviikko 14.05.2008 00:58

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.05.2008 21:44

Anne: "Lauri päästäppä äiti siihen istummaa"

Mummu: "Minähä istun jo täsä!"

Anne: "Eeii, ko nää oot mummu!"

Mummu: "Aijaa... EHEHEEHE!!!"


sellin' drugsTiistai 06.05.2008 01:06

the pussy says:
have some? just to me...

the drugdealer:
yees yees, i can give you the very best quality ;>

the pussy says:
oh yes nam... how much?

the drugdealer says:

the drugdealer says:
pack, how much you want?

the pussy says:
2 grams..

the pussy says:
no, 3 grams! 1 for friend..

the pussy says:
so how much?

the drugdealer says:
okey, if I can have some pussy of yours then you can have ten grams to you and your friend also ;>

the pussy sanoo:
or are they pills?

the drugdealer says:
you can have pills also

the pussy says:
well, lets see..

the pussy says:
you want it now?

the drugdealer says:
yes of course or soon as possible ;>

the pussy says:
well i have time now so lets go some place..

the drugdealer says:
okhey, at samantha on friday? : >

the pussy says:
you dont want it now?

the pussy says:
im not sure if i have a meeting then..

the drugdealer says:
oh! i missed one word! yes yes! lets go samantha. see you in half an hour?

the pussy says:
yea, lets meet then... ill wear some nicer underwear..

the drugdealer says:
yes, that would be good extra, i take some toys with me ;>

the pussy says::
oh sure, whatever you want... i just have to get some drugs..

the drugdealer says:
yes, you'll get after

*its been half an hour since the drugdealer and the pussy in samantha...OOOHHH AAHHH.....and after the OOOHHH AAAHHÂ…*

the drugdealer says:
there you have 20 grams, keep it save ;>

the pussy says:
yea thanks... and i just have to say.... you were good.... *leaves*