


havent been here in over 6 monthS!! MAYBE like 2 years actually :D
olin eilen jokeri.

oli siistii.

album updates vol 2 (week 4) Lauantai 24.01.2009 12:30

album updates vol 2 (week 4) Current mood: inspired
Category: Music

This week was sorta slow. Well, I did alot of work by myself, again.

The most exciting thing and not such a pleasant thing that happened was last Sunday. I began writing this song about where I am now... With the choices I have made, some crazy things have happened to me; some people being quite forcefull with their opinions or threathing my life at times... Well, I began writing this song working title: 'Bring In the Danger'. And for some reason in trickered a panic attack in me. I haven't had one of those since last summer. I hate 'em. Who wouldn't? - they suck.

I have had them for a few years now... Mild ones before I get up on stage: the sort that don't really prevent me from doing my thang :) but then at times, I get the real big ones. Sunday was due to not eating all day, my sugar level was low and the subject matter in hand, peoples violent opinions towards me, plus of course the biggest tricker is that I am under stress. I know one can talk yourself out of a panic attack, you just have to realize that that is what is happening. It took me a good hour and a half. I managed to pull through and even attend my weekly Bash 'Snuggle Sundays' @ DTM.

Monday night, I did pop in to to a full demo for 'Suspicious mind/Haunted by the night'. My co writer Jukka Kosunen was in a mood that night - nothing seemed to go right. Mr cranky pants... Although he is one of those people that even when he's in a bad mood, he sorta keeps his sense of humour abou it. My voice was still shot from the cold that I had for three weeks and in the middle of the recording, we noticed that we needed to change keys for the chorus and a little of the melody. My brain always freezes in the face of sudden changes.. we got the new chorus recorded but it didnt sound that grea. Back next week to work on it.

Tuesday and Wednesday was spent shooting new promotional pictures. And well, we went a tad nutty. I don't think they were that crazy.. a few maybe. My publicist sent an email looking at the rough drafts and she had a few words to say... hmph, I say :) Love her, but I think one should always push the envelope. Although she tries her best to look out for my interest.

I began working on a new song called 'Pop life'. Had some great ideas for it, contacted my best friend Richard Ogawa in New York to work with me on it. Richard was featured in the intro for China Cool on my last album. He was instantly into it after I told him the idea for it.
This week I am finishing off some new stuff and then... let the label hear them :)

oli aika sessiotKeskiviikko 21.01.2009 20:50

olen likainen

pr kuvat on likaisia


hermojaKeskiviikko 21.01.2009 02:53

uudet promokuvat otettiin tänään

tai osa. huomenna otetaan lisää.. tai siis tänään. kello on 10 vaille 1 yöllä.

meinas mennä aamulla hermot kuvauksis... ei meinanu natsaa... mut sitten natsaskin.

sitten levytinkin... sielläkin meinas mennä hermot... mut ei mennykkään. ja biisitäkin tulee hyvä.

stten tulin kotiin ja mietin et mitä he¤"%tiä mä oikein hermoilen?

en hermoile enää.

katsotaan sitten huomenna taas.



opettele englantiaLauantai 17.01.2009 18:19

kopion tästä päivästä asti mun MYSPACE BLOGIN TÄNNE...

16.7.09 album updates vol 1 (week 3)

This week was spent mostly on lyrical stuff. It can be sorta draining; especially since most of the songs I am working on now; I write all the lyrics myself. On my last album I did all the songs with Jimi, so I had sorta instant feedback. We would have alot of arguing, fireworks, big laughs... it was a process. I am working with Jimi on this album too but a few songs that are up, I wanted to work on my own... try to better myself as a writer, write more intimately. It's exhausting

This week I played around with three songs 'Knock you out', 'Welcome to the Freakshow' and ' Suspicious Mind/Haunted by the Night '. It is lonely to write on your own, also it really makes you loose sleep. Most of the week, i kept waking up with the song in my head, having to get up and write something down. I do feel proud though...

We did rough rough first demo's on on the songs with Kosunen (a new songwriter that I am working with, who is also my new drummer at my live gigs). He's off the hook. He works fast and is full of crazy ideas. We totally have a connection when it comes to writing.
Next week I am heading for more studio time, I also wanna finish 'suspicious mind', it lack another verse. I am really excited about the song, it is so dark and creepy and sexy and cool... Also i think I might be finishing my first actual song next week called 'Turn Me Up'. It is close to done, I just have to go to the studio to sing it.

Although I am supposed to have a break from gigs, 2night I am heading for a lil show... I am sorta excited. I am presenting my new look... well ...a lil preview......
<3 C

mikkeliLauantai 17.01.2009 15:51


oli niin hauskaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. apua. miksi mulla on ees mikään keikkatauko, jos keikoil on noin hauskaaaaa..

ja parhaat keskisormen heilutukset, ikinä :) mul on jotain 5 keskisormee heilunu miltei sadasta keikasta - - - - joten mikkeli edusti :) noh joras ne silti...


viisujaPerjantai 16.01.2009 02:15

cristal antaa viisutukensa WALDOLLE.

TÄNÄÄN kaikki äänestämään euroviisujen esikarsinnoissa


vaikka vaan siks et oon siinä videos :)

saleeeeeTorstai 15.01.2009 15:24

jos et ommaa vielä THE PROPHECYÄ niin nyt sen saa halvalla. anttilassa alkoi suurale cd levyissä ja debyytin saa 12 ekellä. (jos ei jossain huoltoasemalla 7 ekellä) hehehe

demojen juhlaaTorstai 15.01.2009 15:04

viime yönä sain sähköpostissa instrumentaalin biisin. se oli aivan järkyttävän siisti. TAAS!

yöllä en saanut unta, kelasin biisin tunnelmaa vaan päässäni. Aamulla heräsin rauhattoman yön jälkeen ja kirjoitin biisin... meni jotain 45 minuuttia, kuin se olis yöllä kirjoittanut itsensä

ihan sairaan siisti tulee. katsotaan mitä toisessa päässä sanotaan, mutta oon ihan intona tästäkin biisistä.

siinä on ihanan tumma tunnelma. pelottava.. ahdistava...... yön pikkutunnit tulee hienosti läpi.

knock you out bitchTiistai 13.01.2009 19:10

oon työstäny sydänverellä kahta biisii . . .
en oo saanu unta kun vaan kelaan niiden lyriikkaa ja sovitusta ja melodiaa...
meni miltei järki.
niis on niiiiiin helvetin hyvät pohjat...
niin älyttömän siistii menoo..
kaameet vaatimukset vaan itsellä et minkälainen läppä olis sitten niiden arvoinen...
tänään sytty valo pään päällä ja kirjoitin toisen biisin loppuun.
siitä tulee niin siisti...
nimeks tulee 'knock you out'
kamala riidanhakuinen biisi.
mikä on aika hauska läppä
koska mähän tunnetusti en kestä tapella yhtään.
toisen biisin leivon viel tänään tai huomenna kuntoon.
sekin on kyl hyvä.
sellainen 'kädet ilmaan' meininki.
tulee olemaan keikoille hyvä biisi.

ai niin ja kävin parturis.
<3 C
ja ai niin sain kirjeen sisäministeriöstä... i'm such a bad boy :)