


Vaikee ja vittumainen, mut silti niin ihana

LauraTorstai 30.10.2008 21:20

I love the way I can talk to you
And say what's on my mind
I never have to look away
Or keep a thing inside

Tears fill my eyes when you're not around
Or when you just don't care
But I know in my heart you will do what's right
For me, you will always dare

Material things will never matter
As long as I have you
You make every day that passes
So much easier to get through

My worries disappear when you're around
No thoughts of pain or doubt
I feel your love when you hold me close
And kiss me if I pout

I don't care what they are talking about
All I care for is you
I'll jump off a building to show you my love
If that's what I have to do

I love you for everything that you are
Not what you promise to be
I know you can't see why or how
You're the most important thing to me

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