
[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 05.12.2006 22:39

And I'd give up forever to touch you
Cause I know that you feel me somehow
You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be
And I don't want to go home right now

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 09.11.2006 11:37

baaris(waltsu/giggu) eilen accen kans,piti vaan lähtee nopeast kikaa know me, jäätiin sinne 3 asti mut ihan jees ilta oli kyl!olin tanssimassa jotain 4 tuntia putkeen eilen..ihan sairasta..

njaaa whats there more to say?not much so ill go back to bed, and sleep some more:)

Fintelligens - BeibeKeskiviikko 08.11.2006 21:21

Nonii, mami zum zum zum, tos on mun Benz Benz Benz,
jos laitat pyllys pottii, nii me voidaan zen zen zen..
Oon nhny paljon muijii, mut nyt tiin mit tarviin,
ei pelkkii puluparvii tai backstage-quikie-varvii.
Vaan himomamman, joka ei snaijaa sanaa feikkii,
trumpetistin keuhkot ja max-vhn meikkii.
Ei digaa tunteil leikkii, p streittin, pit mun levystshii,
ku digaan kirpparil kreittii.
Digaa infoo blessaa, ja osaa tanssii,
mun nymfoprinsessa, horo ja queen balanssis.
Hoppichigu, sniiksit jalkaan laittaa,
mun puolest klubeil Cat-faittaa, ja lasso maittaa.
(Hei neiti) Jos sovit kuvaukseen niin kingii,
sillon t Mozart voi tulla soittaa sun stringii.
Ehdot on tiukat mut niist voidaan neuvotella,
jos haluut olla mun bella, mun...

Leidi, vaan muutama todettu fakta,
jos et sovi kuvaan, niin jatka matkaas.
Mut jos puhutaan sust, ni ou se natsaa,
oot mun, beibe, beibe!
Vaan muutama todettu fakta,
jos et sovi kuvaan, niin jatka matkaas.
Mut jos puhutaan sust, ni ou se natsaa,
oot mun, beibe, beibe!

Papa Roach - ForeverTorstai 02.11.2006 14:06

Because days! Come and go!
But my feelings for you are forever:)

me birthdAYTorstai 19.10.2006 06:49 birthday today:D meee drunk:D jeee!

happy birthday to meeeeeKeskiviikko 18.10.2006 21:17

imorgon födelsedag:) pardej idag/lördag i giggling:D c ya there!

2days left to 22!Tiistai 17.10.2006 17:45

På torsdagen så fyller jag 22!
Pardej på ONSDAGEN(eller på LÖRDAGEN), väl till giggling då å fira lite:)

Huset tomt från onsdagen till söndagen, kanske ta å festa lite hos mig då!

Men ska fara ut å kratta me syrran lite:P

have a nice day!

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 25.09.2006 13:09

Let me paint this picture for you baby
You spend your nights alone
And he never comes home
And every time you call 'em
All you get is a busy tone
I heard you found out that he's doing to you
What you did to me, ain't that the way it goes?
When you cheated girl, my heart bleeded girl
So it goes without saying "imagine let me feeling hurt"
Just a classic case, it's a sce-sce-scenario
Tale is oldest time, girl you got what you deserved
And now you want somebody to cure the lonely nights
You wished you had somebody that can come and make it right
Well girl I ain't somebody and not a sympathy (see, see)

What goes around, comes back around

funny:)Tiistai 12.09.2006 20:01

A nurse was on duty in the Emergency Room, when a young woman with purple hair styled into a punk rocker Mohawk, sporting a variety of tattoos, and wearing strange clothing, entered. It was quickly determined that the patient had acute appendicitis, so she was scheduled for immediate surgery.

When she was completely disrobed on the operating table, the staff noticed that her pubic hair had been dyed green, and above it there was a tattoo that read, "Keep off the grass." Once the surgery was completed, the surgeon wrote a short note on the patient's dressing, which said, "Sorry, had to mow the lawn."

Amber Pacific - Here We StandTiistai 12.09.2006 16:19

Here we stand again
Another day has passed us
With its lack of change
And all we have is what we share
And all we want is someone else to be there

And if the sun will set tonight
Hold our secrets up to the sky
As our shadows grow there's nothing left to hide
And if you ever doubt
You will know that I still wonder
How many times did I compare
The stars to your eyes

We will make it through
No matter the cost
We've gone this far
Why not find out how it works out
For you and me
We'll make it through
I thought we were lost
But somehow we haven't found a way
And I hope that we never do

It's hard to get to understand
When all your lives in our hands
And don't stop when you've never been closer
Just 'cause you don't know what matters most
So it won't always be so clearly be in front of us

And if the sun will set tonight
Hold our secrets up to the sky
As our shadows grow there's nothing left to hide
And if you ever doubt
You will know that I still wonder
How many times did I compare
The stars to your eyes

We will make it through
No matter the cost
We've gone this far
Why not find out how it works out
For you and me
We'll make it through
I thought we were lost
But somehow we haven't found a way
And I hope that we never do

Never do

Doesn't really matter how it all began
Got this far without knowing who we truely are

I will never doubt that
We will make it through
No matter the cost
We've gone this far
Why not find out how it works out
For you and me
We'll make it through
I thought we were lost
But somehow we haven't found a way
And I hope that we never do