


long live the car crash hearts ❤ believers never die

aawimpi <3333 ja toi maisema <333Maanantai 01.12.2008 23:15

aaaaaaaaaaaaaw <3333Maanantai 01.12.2008 23:15

note to self <333Lauantai 29.11.2008 18:22

Two roads split off from here,
and my life goes running in opposite directions.
Exaggerating the barrier between who I am,
and who I want to be.

I wanted to be the breath of fresh air,
When everything smelled so insincere.
But this taste still lingers in my mouth,
Deceit has ways of sticking around.
And I'm ready to disappear,
Vacation seems far(seems far) from here.

Note to self:
I miss you terribly.
This is what
we call a tragedy.
Come back to me,
Come back to me,
To me.

Note to self:
I miss you terribly.
This is what
we call a tragedy.
Come back to me,
back to me,
To me.

I can feel my mind
wandering again.
Into where I dont know,
and will I ever get home?
Time starts moving
faster than I can.
And I'm sick of this scene;
I need to break the routine.

I can feel my mind
wandering again.
Into where I dont know,
and will I ever get home?
Time starts moving
faster than I can.
And I'm sick of this scene;
I need to break the routine.

Two roads...
Split off from here,
and my life goes running in opposite directions.
Exaggerating the barrier between who I am
and who I want to...

Which part of me is left?
I feel so close,
and yet I am so far.
Which part of me is lost?
I feel so close,
and yet I am so.... FAR!!!

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 28.11.2008 22:07

aaaaaaaaaaaaa, pääsin riparille sinne saksaaan, niin kun halusinkin. nyt sit vaan aletaan panikoimaan, kun en tunne ketään...

kyle burns <3Keskiviikko 26.11.2008 20:25

en ees haluu tollasta hupparia <33Maanantai 24.11.2008 23:26

ihana kuva <3Maanantai 24.11.2008 23:26

24.11. R.I.P. <3Maanantai 24.11.2008 22:35

siit on jo vuos. oikeesti ees oo kuunnellu hawthornee kauaa, jonkun puolivuotta ehkä, mut sitä silti. 4 become 1 saa mut melkein ain itkeen, kaikki kappalen nimet uudelta levyltä, jotka voi kuvitella sillein... tuntuu hirveeltä ajatella sitä. sä olit iso osa hawthornee, oot vieläkin, mut enää sua ei nää lavalla, enää et soita, et "huuda" uusilla levyillä vaikka kuinka haluttais. olit vaan 26 ja se oli ihan liian aikasta lähtee... we still love and we'll always miss you <3

onko söpömpää <333Lauantai 22.11.2008 21:04

aaaaw <333 mäkin haluunLauantai 22.11.2008 21:03