


long live the car crash hearts ❤ believers never die

äääääääääKeskiviikko 17.12.2008 19:40

<3333 parasTiistai 16.12.2008 20:45

Dear Diary:

Mood: Apathetic.

My life is spiraling downward.
I couldn't get enough money to go to the
Blood Red Romance and Suffocate me dry concert.
It sucks 'cause they play some of my favorite songs
like "Stab My Heart Because I Love You" and
"Rip Apart My Soul" and of course,
"Stabby Rip Stab Stab".
And it doesn't help that I couldn't
get my hair to do that flippy thing either.
Like that guy from that band can do.
Some days ugh...

I'm an emo kid, non-conforming as can be
You'd be non-conforming too if
you looked just like me
I have paint on my nails and make-up on my face
I'm almost emo enough to start shaving my legs
'Cause I feel real deep when I'm dressing in drag
I call it freedom of expression,
most just call me a fag
'Cause our dudes look like chicks,
and our chicks look like dykes
'Cause emo is one step below transvestite!

Stop my breathing and slit my throat
I must be emo
I don't jump around when I go to shows
I must be emo

I'm dark, and sensitive with low self-esteem
The way I dress makes every day feel like Halloween
I have no real problems but I like to make believe
I stole my sister's mascara now
I'm grounded for a week.
Sulking and writing poetry are my hobbies
I can't get through a Hawthorne
Heights album without sobbing
Girls keep breaking up with me,
it's never any fun.
They say they already have a pussy,
they don't need another one

Stop my breathing and slit my throat
I must be emo
I don't jump around when I go to shows
I must be emo
Dye in my hair and polish on my toes
I must be emo
I play guitar and write suicide notes
I must be emo

My life is just a black abyss,
you know, it's so dark.
And it's suffocating me.
Grabbing hold of me and tightening it's grip,
tighter than a pair of
my little sister's jeans...
which look great on me by the way.

When I get depressed I cut my
wrists in every direction
Hearing songs about getting
dumped give me an erection
I write in a live journal and
wear thick rimmed glasses
I tell my friends I bleed black
and cry during classes
I'm just a bad, cheap, imitation of goth,
You can read me "Catcher in the
Rye", and watch me jack off.
I wear skin tight clothes while hating my life
If I said I like girls, I'd only be half right!

I look like I'm dead and dress like a homo
I must be emo
Screw XBox, I play old school Nintendo
I must be emo
I like to whine and hate my parentals
I must be emo
Me and my friends all look like clones
I must be emo

My parents just don't get me, you know.
They think I'm gay just because
they saw me kiss a guy.
Well, a couple guys. But I mean, it's the 2000's.
Can't 2 ... or 4 dudes make-out with
each other without being gay?
I mean, chicks dig that kind of thing anyways.
I don't know diary,
sometimes I think you're the only one that gets me,
you're my best friend...

I feel like tacos...

XD <3Maanantai 15.12.2008 20:11

Marty, Marty listen to me. Bring me something the kids will cry for.
Get out there, and get us stoked!"

Meet Marty, major label A&R scout, forty years old, gut hanging out.
Red Ferrari, Marty living in L.A. bumps another line to get through the day.
Dumped by his girl, he paid for her liposuction,
His friends call him "Money", in his introduction.
And Marty knows nothing but claims to know it all,
Lose the flat screen TV if he drops the ball.
You're as good as your last hit, find the next big thing.
If he doesn't bring the bling, his cell phone won't ring.
What's the trend, what's new? What's a label scout to do? Office life, Marty 11:32.
The label pres. calls and yells, "Sign more emo!"
How about screamo? "If it sells, sign Nemo,"
"We're down 2%, and BMG knows,
My Daughter likes Dashboard, so get me one of those!"
He checks, the Scout and more,
yelling band names to his assistant through the door.
The kids will like this, who cares if it's great?
So he signs a band called Hearts that Hate.

"Marty... we've got a hit."

Cry tonight. My hands around your hands.
I won't let you,
Die tonight.
My heart's in your hands.
I won't let you...

Hearts that Hate, Marty goes to their show, up in the club and here we go.
Marty sees a girl in a Simple Plan shirt with a Senses Fail boy, ha that'll never work.
He finds his label friends in the corner they huddle,
An emo cattle auction, they penetrate the bubble.
They talk about Victory and signing TBS,
Dissing the same bands they just tried to impress.
So the lights go down, the crowd starts to scream,
Hearts that Hate have hit the scene.
Blake on vocals, and lead guitar,
He does a backflip, "Look how different we are!"
They show up at the studio to record it,
A TRL Billboard Modern Rock hit.
They auto-tune Blake, but he can't tell.
He says, "I've got perfect pitch, damn I sing well."
ProTools, Logic, cut, copy, paste, quantized solos and quantized bass.
Signed, sealed, delivered and sent, across the U.S. and the single went...

Cry tonight. My hands around your hands.
I won't let you,
Die tonight.
My heart's in your hands.
I won't let you DIE

Momentum builds, but it all caves in.
Industrial comes back, the pres needs a NIN.
Marty finds a band called "Fetal Coil"
And Hearts that Hate try to keep their fans loyal.
They re-work their sound for album number two,
As "Machines of Hate," but their career is through.
They break up and work pushing mops and brooms,
Blake gives guitar lessons in his living room.
Blake gives guitar lessons in his living room,
Blake gives guitar lessons in his living room.

"Can you teach me track five Mr. Blake?"
"Hey, I wrote that song and it goes like this!"

Cry tonight. My hands around your hands.
I won't let you,
Die tonight.
My Hearts In Your Hands.
I won't Let you DIE
Cry Tonight (Die)
My Hands Around Your Hands.
I Won't Let You
Die Tonight. (Die)
My Hearts In Your Hands.
I won't let you... DIE
T is for Twitch: A word used to describe an emo's sudden swing of the head when their bangs get in their eyes.

aaaaaaaw <333 hihihii~ *dreamy look*

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.12.2008 19:32


[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.12.2008 18:52

"Time Liiiine? Time isn't made out of lines! It is made out of circles! That is why clocks are round!"

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.12.2008 16:53

neljä tuntiset päivät on kyllä niin <33333

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.12.2008 13:33

hyvä olo. päätä särkeee. kivaa -_____- not....

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 23:53

fuji-q highland <333

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 14.12.2008 23:29

cute japanese guy <3333

ja ännälle menee hermot

ja mulla on turhia merkintöjä paljon