


long live the car crash hearts ❤ believers never die

random quote #67Maanantai 10.08.2009 16:00

"buy 999 999 999 and get 1 for free"

ehkä paras tarjous ikinä

random quote #66Maanantai 10.08.2009 15:40

"what else do we have to eat?"
"what don't we have? cold pizza, cold burgers, cold tacos..."
"what do we have that's warm?"
"ice cream."
"cool. i'll drink that"

random quote #65Maanantai 10.08.2009 15:32

"i was mad when you came home from playground with wrong twins."
"it was a honest mistake."
"they were girls"

random quote #65Maanantai 10.08.2009 02:50

"check it out bob, an A. i can't wait for the next test. zack, did you really say that? yes zack, i did."
"should i be afraid of you?"

random quote #62&#63&#64Maanantai 10.08.2009 02:38

"so dyslexic i am?"
"well, it like looks... looks like it"
"i'm already dyslexic, i don't want lovehandles too"
"mr. forgess says dyslexics have a good memory."
"oh yeah? you haven't remembered my birthday, EVER! and we're twins!"

random quote #61Maanantai 10.08.2009 02:29

"this isn't funny zachary"
"oooh, zachary"
"i am very disappointed in you"
"oooh, disappointed"
"ooooh, shut up"

random quote #60Maanantai 10.08.2009 02:17

"hi! you don't know me, but we're gonna get married."

random quote #59Maanantai 10.08.2009 02:06

"well my best is going to get me a nobel prize, pay your nursing home and get zack out of jail."
"zack is in jail?!"
"not yet"

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 10.08.2009 01:54

vakava fanityttökohtaus atm

random quote #58Maanantai 10.08.2009 01:22

"how many times have i told you not to disturb the guests?"
"two thousand three hundred and eight times. but it never gets old."