


Smile like you don't give a damn about the consequence
Mitä teit 10 tuntia sitten?: nukuin
Mitä söit viimeksi? : subway isin kaa
Mitä joit viimeksi? : cokis light, hyi
Mitä ostit viimeksi? : bensaa
Missä olit, ennen kuin viimeksi tulit kotiin? : kävin kaupoilla makutuomarina
Minkä numeron sait viime kokeestasi? : paha sanoo, ei oo tullu takas viel
Mistä näit viimeksi unta?: se oli nii sekavaa ettei sitä ees pysty tiivistää

Kenet tyttöpuolisen kaverin näit viimeksi? : janinan
Kenet poikapuolisen kaverin näit viimeksi? : aleksin
Kenelle viimeksi soitit? : iskälle
Kuka sinulle on viimeksi soittanut? : aleksi
Onko maailmassa sellaista ihmistä, kenestä et ikinä haluaisi luopua? : on niit montaki

Mitä aiot tänään vielä tehdä? : mennä nukkuu, tai kai sitä vois käydä pyörähtää jossai entiiä
Mitä kokeita sinulla on tulossa? : ruotsin uusinta ja ylppäritki tulos syksyllä
Mitä aiot ostaa seuraavaksi? : varmaan bensaa
Mitä aiot tehdä tasan viikon kuluttua? : primessä mä luultavasti
Entä huomenna? : töitä
Kenet ihmisen luulet nyt seuraavaksi näkevän? : kattellaa
Oletko kaivannut tänään jotakin? : joo

Kenen vieressä viimeksi nukuit - simon
Kenelle kerroit viimeksi murheistasi - dennikselle
Kenelle viimeksi tekstasit - aleksille
Kenen kanssa puhuit viimeksi puhelimessa - iskän
Kenet haluaisit tällä hetkellä nähdä? - entiiä
Kenen kaverin kanssa viimeksi nauroit - aleksin sit kai
Kenelle pystyt kertomaan kaikki murheesi - parille valitulle

♠ Oletko tänään ollut hyvällä päällä? - juu ihan
♠ Oletko nauranut tänään? - oon
♠ Oletko tuntenut hyvää oloa? - juu
♠ Mikä on vahvin tunteesi tällä hetkellä? - väsy
♠ Koska olet viimeksi itkenyt? - öö perjantaina? kuunneltii vähä herkkää biisii
♠ Koska viimeksi tunsit yksinäisyyttä? - eilen varmaan
♠ Oletko joskus rakastanut jotakin koko sydämelläsi? - olen
♠ Oletko vihannut joskus jotakin yli kaiken? - kyllä

☼ Onko sinulla valloittava hymy? - no ei
☼ Oletko pitkävihainen? - riippuu asiasta, en mä yleensä oo
☼ Oletko koulunörtti? - en
☼ Pitääkö sinusta kukaan? - toivotaan
☼ Oletko polttanut tupakkaa? - olen

1. Minkä väriset hiukset sinulla on? • vaaleet
2. Minkä väriset silmät sinulla on? • siniset
3. Oletko mielestäsi kaunis/komea? • en erityisemmin
4. Osaatko tehdä hyvin ruokaa? • jotekin
5. Onko sinulla hyvät välit vanhempiisi? • on
6. Suututko helposti? • en yleensä
7. Ilostutko helposti? • joo yleensä kyl mut saa iloseks aika helposti
8. Stressaannutko helposti? • jep
9. Huolestutko muista ihmisistä helposti? • kyllä
10. Luotatko helposti muihin ihmisiin? • riippuu ihmisest
11. Meikkaatko? • joo
12. Värjäätkö hiuksiasi? • joo
13. Uskotko, että 13 on epäonnen luku? • en mä tosissani
14. Oletko muuten taikauskoinen? • en
15. Millaisista kukista pidät? • no en oikee minkäänlaisist:D
16. Juotko kahvia? • joskus
17. Millainen puhelin sinulla on? • iphone 4s
18. Kuunteletko musiikkia? • jep
19. Annatko helposti anteeksi? • liian helposti
20. Mitä sarjoja seuraat TV:stä? • salkkarit, viidakon tähtöset ja carrien päiväkirjat
21. Jutteletko helposti uusien ihmisten kanssa? • baarissa joo..
22. Oletko vainoharhainen/epäluuloinen? • joskus

.Sunnuntai 26.05.2013 21:52

- Kenen vastakkaisen sukupuolen vieressä nukuit tai makasit viimeksi? - öö denkun vissii
- Kenellä on samanlainen musiikkimaku, kuin sinulla? - hennillä
- Kuka viimeksi nauroi kanssasi? - äiti
- Koska söit ruokaa? - joskus kahen jälkee
- Koska joit jotakin? - tunti sit
- Oletko lakannut joskus täysin luottamasta johonkin ihmiseen? - joo
- Saanut viimeisen viikon sisällä rahaa vanhemmiltasi? - en
- Inhoatko ketään tällä hetkellä? - tavallaan
- Miksi olet koneella nyt? - vältän lukemista
- Paljonko kello on? - 18:42

- Polttaako joku perheestäsi? - polttaa äiti ilmeisesti
- Matkusteletteko paljon perheesi kanssa? - ei enää
- Onko perhe sinulle tärkeä? - on
- Onko sinulla sisaruksia? - on
- Minkälaisessa talossa asut? - omakotitalossa
- Oma huone? - jep
- Mitäs kirjoituspöydältäsi löytyy ? - ei oo
- Monikerroksisessa talossa asut ? - 3 täs tavallaan on
- Oma koti kullan kallis ? - joo
- Podetko helposti koti-ikävää ? - enpä oikeestaa

- Haluaisitko nyt halata jotain tiettyä ihmistä? - nah
- Mikä sinut saa yleensä itkemään? - yksinäisyys varmaan
- Rakastaako sinua kukaan? - eiköhän joku, ainaki porukat
- Ikävöitkö ketään juuri nyt? - joo

- Kaivannut jotakuta niin paljon, että sattuu? - joo
- Laulanut suihkussa? - juu
- Oletko ollut todella iloinen? - kyllää
- Entä nolostunut? - nojoo

- Mihin heräsit aamulla? - kunha heräsin ku tuli viesti
- Millainen olo on ollut? - iha ok, vähä väsy
- Vituttaako? - ei
- Mihin on mennyt rahaa tänään? - ei mihinkään
- Oletko ollut tänään autossa? - olen
- Kenelle olet laittanut viestiä? - henni, mepe, denkku, janski
- Mikä biisi soi tällä hetkellä? - zach sobiech-clouds
- Onko sinulla ketään ikävä? - joo
- Mitä odotat? - ens vklp

- Vaatteesi? - hollisterin lökärit ja paita
- Avonaiset fb-keskustelut? - henni
- Millälailla hiuksesi on? - auki ja sekasin
- Kuka ihminen on sinulle tärkein tällä hetkellä? - paha sanoo
- Oletko onnellinen? - yleisesti joo

- Henkilö joka ärsyttää? - riippuu vähä
- Paikka jossa joit alkoholia? - prime
- Henkilö jonka puheluun et vastannut? - äiti
- Henkilö jonka näit? - äiti
- Henkilö jonka kanssa puhuit puhelimessa? - äiti
- Henkilö jota halasit? - vissii kalle:D

F UTiistai 29.01.2013 16:35

No lying. OK?
We'll see

Did the last person you hugged ever take off your pants?

Last piercing?
Don't have any

What were you doing around 7:30 pm last night?
Eating pizza and watching Salkkarit with Henni

Where was your profile picture taken?
My house

Do you truly love somoene?
Define 'love'

How would you describe your mood?

What was the last thing you complained about?
It's cold out

Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
My dad

Anything bothering you right now?

The last person you called a bitch was?
Don't remember... Haha jk, yes I do

What are you excited for?
This weekend!

Does your nail polish match your bra color?
Haha nope

How many people do you plan on kissing this year?
Haha who knows

If you could have any one thing right now what would it be?
A round ticket to ND

Any hook ups lately?
Haha nope

Where do your best friends live?

Two things you hate:
Coldness, school

Two things you love:
My friends, food

What are you obsessed with lately?

Last text message was from?

Last picture message was from?
Melissa I'm assuming

What do you think of when you hear the word summer?
Sun, vacation (jk, work), tanning, drinking outside, going to cabins etc

Are you on good terms with your last ex?
Haha define 'good terms'

What's the last favor someone asked you to do for them?
Give them a ride home

Plans for tomorrow?
School, work

Do you miss the way things used to be?
A little

Do you believe whats meant to be will always find its way?
I guess

Favorite sport?

One fact about your best friend(s):
She's weird

Are you employed?

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Haha who knows

How many friends do you have on facebook?

Are you moving out within the next year?
I doubt it

Do you expect things to change within the next few months?

What should you be doing right now?

The last time you shot a basketball?

Do you go tanning often?
Whenever I have the time

Who will you be spending most of your time with tomorrow?

Have you realized anything recently?
I guess

The next time you will be leaving the state?
I don't even know

Most embarrassing moment?
Hahah there's plenty of them

Last time you talked to your ex?
On Saturday

What are you going to do after this?
Take a nap

Who knows most of your secrets?

Congratulations! Your getting married. Who do you want it to be?
Channing Tatum. I wouldn't mind Sean Lowe either

Who do you think will read this?
Haha someone who is really bored

Anything else you'd like to say?
No, not really

got a secret can you keep itMaanantai 14.01.2013 03:25

Mitä sinulta viimeksi kysyttiin? - et mikä ihme toi halloween jakso oikee on pretty little liarsis
Milloin viimeksi pelkäsit? - eilen ku luettii kauhujuttui
Mitä omatuntosi kertoo sinulle juuri nyt? - pitäis mennä nukkuu
Milloin viimeksi jokin asia kosketti sinut kyyneliin? - eilen
Tykkäätkö piimästä? - en
Oletko matkustanut julkisilla kulkuneuvoilla maksamatta? - joo
Pidätkö tatuoinneista? - joo
Pidätkö tytöillä enemmän lyhyistä vai pitkistä hiuksista? - pitkist kai
Oletko koskaan saanut matikan kokeesta kymppiä? - joo
Nauratko vitseille? - joo jos tajuun ne
Monelta heräsit tänä aamuna? - 15:45
Osaatko keittää kahvia? - en
Oletko koskaan tippunut portaat takaperin? - en
Milloin viimeksi nauroit? - ku hain jullee samilt
Kuinka monta lasta haluat? - pari
Tiedätkö onko sinulla ihailijoita? - ei
Minkä väriset hiukset sinulla on? - blondit, vähä raitoi
Nautitko viime juhlistasi? - nojooo uv oli iha ok
Oletko syönyt popcornia viimeisen 48 tunnin aikana? - en
Onko poliisi koskaan jahdannut sinua? - joo heh
Onko sinulla outoja nukkumistapoja? - joo
Tiedätkö miten pokeria pelataan? - tiedän
Milloin viimeksi sinulla oli todella hauskaa? - eilen
Kuinka usein muistat unesi? - harvoin
Tiedätkö miten pelataan biljardia? - en mä kunnolla
Nukuitko viime yön huonosti? - en nukkunu ollenkaa
Huomaat nukkuneesi pommiin, ja et millään kerkeä ajoissa. Mitä ajattelet? - että vittu, meen sit seuraavalle tunnille
Oletko tyytyväinen elämääsi? - about joo
Nimi, jota haluaisit muiden käyttävän sinusta? - eve
Onko sinulla monta lempiartistia? - on
Tuleeko joistakin biiseistä muistot mieleen? - juu
Onko teillä keittiön kaapissa popcornia? - kyl salee
Lempisukkasi ja miksi? - no eipä oo, normit mustat tai valkoset nilkkasukat
Mitä pidät maanantaiaamuista? - no eipä ne hirveen kivojakaan ole
"Elämä on" vai onko se? - vissiin sit
Kuka on ensimmäinen T:llä alkava puhelimen yhteystiedoissasi, millä nimellä hän on? - tommi
Oletko suudellut useampaa kuin yhtä kaverilistallasi olevia? - olen
Oletko turhautunut johonkin ihmiseen? - kyllä
Stressaatko? - no vähän
Mitä mietit? - en mitää
Juotko kahvia? - joo jos joku keittää mulle
Viime matikan kokeen numerosi? - en oo ikinä saanu sitä koetta takas mut todistukseen tuli vitonen
Oletko mustasukkainen? - en
Mitä aiot tehdä seuraavaksi? - vois mennä nukkuu
Minkä vaatteen poistat ensimmäisenä riisuutuessasi? - paidan
Minne muualle kuin korviin ottaisit lävistyksen, jos sinun olisi pakko ottaa? - napa
Mitä lävistyksiä sinulla on? - ei mitään
Haluaisitko riipaista kovat kännit? - ei tee mieli
Kuinka tutustuit henkilöön, joka on kännykkäsi numeroluettelossa seitsemäntenä? - koulussa
Onko sinulla paljon rutiineja? - on kai
Miksi asut siellä missä asut? - no porukat tänne halus muuttaa sillon joskus
Mitä lukee 15. saapuneessa viestissä? - entiiä ku viestit keskusteluina
Koska viimeksi teit itse ruokaa? - en muista
Kuinka paljon salaisuuksia sinulla on? - tarpeeks
Aistitko, jos sinua tuijotetaan? - joo
Kumpi on kiireisempää aikaa; arki vai viikonloppu? - arki
Olitko iloinen herätessäsi aamulla? - olin itseasias
Kuinka monta serkkua sinulla on? - 1
Mitä lukee ensimmäisessä tekstiviestissäsi? - no en tiedä
Kenen sängyssä nukuit viime yön? - no nukuin vasta aamulla
Montaako erilaista juomaa olet juonut tänään? - 2
Mitä teit kello 9 tänä aamuna? - nukuin
Onko sinulla sukat tällähetkellä jalassa, millaiset? - ei oo
Selitä neljällä sanalla miksi viimeksi oksensit? - olin juonut vähän liikaa
Onko mielestäsi mahdollista että kuolet huomenna? - varmaan
Jättikö tuo edellinen kysymys ajateltavaa? - ei
Kuinka monta viestiä on kännykkäsi saapuneet -kansiossa? - paha sanoo
Kerro joku ulkonäköön liittyvä viehättävä piirre? - hiukset
Oliko eilen mukava päivä, mitä teit? - oli! värjättiin mun hiukset, käytiin starbucksis, ajeltiin, istuttii apsil ja taas ajeltiin koko yö
Entä sitä edellinen, mitä teit? - olin koulussa, hengailin eka hennin kans vaa ja sit mepenki ja silleee

;)Keskiviikko 19.12.2012 17:54

WhatÂ’s the worst thing youÂ’ve gone through in the past year?
September was pretty rough, and also the end of June...

Do you believe that thereÂ’s good in everybody?
I guess

Does the last person you held hands with mean a lot to you?
He's a friend

Do you remember who you had a crush on in eighth grade?
Hahah yes

Has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past three days?

Have you ever trusted someone too much?

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?
Oh yea

What did you have for breakfast?
I didn't eat anything for breakfast

Meet any new people this year?
Oh for sure

Do you take any medication on a daily basis?
I do

At what age will you get married?
No idea

Describe how you feel right now in one word?

Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
Henni, I do

Is tomorrow gonna be a good day?
Who knows

Is there a secret youÂ’ve never told your parents?
Oh sure

What are you currently waiting for?
To watch Poika ja Ilves

Would you say that youÂ’re adventurous?
I guess so

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months or more?
I know I can

Do you like school?

Like to cuddle?

Who did you last give your number to?

When did you meet the last male who texted you?
Sometime this summer

What do you currently hear?
Henni talking

How much longer until your birthday?
Almost a year

HowÂ’s the relationship between you and your ex?
Which ex?

Do you think you will be in a relationship three months from now?
Who knows

Does anyone hate you?

Was there anyone who “made your day”?
Haha I guess

Who were the first two people you have kissed?

Do you still talk to either one of them?
To the other one

Is it hot out right now?

tylsäääTiistai 04.12.2012 03:08

◘ PIDÄT ..

[x] suklaasta
[x] kesästä
[ ] talvesta
[x] syksystä
[x] keväästä
[x] ruskeista silmistä
[x] sinisistä silmistä
[x] vaaleasta leivästä
[x] ruisleivästä
[ ] puurosta
[ ] lihamurekkeesta
[ ] kiinalaisesta ruuasta
[x] kreikkalaisesta salaatista
[x] romanttisista kirjoista
[ ] fantasiakirjoista
[ ] vanhoista kirjoista
[ ] kauhukirjoista
[ ] sarjakuvista
[x] hajuvesistä
[x] google chromesta
[ ] internet explorerista
[ ] mozilla firefoxista
[/] koulusta
[/] liikunnasta
[ ] fysiikasta
[ ] kemiasta
[ ] huulilävistyksistä
[ ] tarinoiden kirjoittamisesta
[ ] äidinkielestä
[ ] kokeisiin lukemisesta
[x] lasagnesta
[x] muffinseista
[x] musiikista
[x] korkokengistä
[x] tennareista
[x] kynsilakoista
[x] kasvojenhoitotuotteista
[ ] hatuista
[x] pipoista
[x] villasukista
[x] elokuvista
[ ] päiväkirjan kirjoittamisesta
[x] kaulahuiveista
[x] tietokoneista
[x] kokkaamisesta
[x] facebookista
[x] twitteristä
[ ] punaisista hiuksista
[x] mustista hiuksista
[x] blondeista hiuksista
[ ] vihreistä hiuksista
[ ] turkooseista hiuksista
[ ] harmaista hiuksista
[ ] messengeristä
[x] spotifysta
[x] youtubesta
[x] pitkistä kynsistä
[x] lyhyistä kynsistä
[x] lentokoneista
[x] busseista
[x] hymiöiden käyttämisestä

[x] Italia
[x] Ranska
[x] Ruotsi
[x] Viro
[ ] Florida (Amerikka)
[x] New York (Amerikka)
[ ] Kalifornia (Amerikka
[ ] Miami (Amerikka)
[x] Saksa
[ ] Venäjä
[ ] Sveitsi
[ ] Tanska
[x] Egypti
[ ] Iso-Britannia
[x] Joku muu, mikä? Latvia, Liettua, Puola, Unkari, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkki, Espanja, Kreikka, Belgia, Itävalta, Kroatia

[ ] käynyt lenkillä
[x] syönyt pizzaa
[x] käynyt kaupassa
[x] vienyt koiran ulos
[ ] kirjoittanut blogiin
[ ] katsonut todella huonon elokuvan
[ ] lukenut kirjan loppuun
[ ] käynyt isovanhempien luona
[ ] saanut puhelun joltain sukulaiselta
[x] puhunut monta kymmentä minuuttia jonkun hyvän ystävän kanssa
[ ] lintsannut koulusta
[ ] ollut sairaana
[ ] matkustanut junalla
[x] riidellyt jonkun perheenjäsenen / kaverin kanssa
[ ] tehnyt jotain kiellettyä

[x] läppäri / iso tietokone
[x] tv
[ ] jokin pelikonsoli
[ ] vanhentunutta ruokaa / ruoantähteitä
[ ] kaksi vaatekaappia
[ ] vanhoja leluja
[x] matkalaukku
[x] teemuki
[x] hiusharja
[x] yli 20 kirjaa
[x] todistuksia
[ ] nuotteja
[ ] jokin instrumentti
[ ] mustat pussilakanat
[ ] työtuoli
[ ] työpöytä
[ ] sälekaihtimet
[x] paljon pölyä
[x] roskakori
[ ] radio
[ ] yli kolme juhlamekkoa
[ ] hiuslakkaa / muita hiustenhoitotuotteita
[x] elokuvia
[x] lehtiä
[ ] sarjakuvapokkareita
[ ] julisteita
[x] taulu / tauluja
[x] koulukirjoja
[ ] herätyskello
[ ] videokamera

[x] Himoshoppaajan salaiset unelmat
[ ] Black water
[x] Avatar
[x] Twilight
[x] Uusikuu
[x] Epäilys
[ ] Ottolapsi
[x] Saw 1
[x] Saw 2
[x] Saw 3
[x] Saw 4
[ ] Saw 5
[ ] Saw 6
[x] Tiedän mitä teit viime kesänä
[x] Perjantai 13
[x] 17 again
[x] Mr and mrs Smith
[x] Klik!
[x] Step up
[x] Step up 2
[x] Step up 3
[ ] All about Steve
[x] Kuokkavieraat
[x] Odottamaton ehdotus
[x] Paksuna
[x] 2012
[ ] Big fish
[x] The green mile
[x] Rottatuille
[x] Up - kohti korkeuksia
[x] Titanic
[x] DaVinci-koodi
[x] Inception

[x] House
[x] Greyn anatomia
[x] Gossip girl
[x] Friends
[ ] Aavekuiskaaja
[x] CSI
[ ] Mentalist
[x] Täydelliset naiset
[ ] Heroes
[ ] Kauhukeittiö
[x] Sinkkuelämää
[x] Huippumalli haussa
[ ] Talent
[ ] Kuorosota
[x] Dance
[ ] Stage

:):)Sunnuntai 02.12.2012 18:13

Do you swear to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth?
I guess

Where were you last night?
All around Lohja

What is todayÂ’s date?
December 2nd

Who was the last person to call you baby/babe?
No clue

When youÂ’re at the grocery store do you use the self check-out?
We don't really have self check-outs in Finland

Anyone crushing on you?
Who knows

What is your relationship status?

Who do you text the most?

How do you make your money?

How do you feel right now?

Do you look more like your mom or dad?
Mom I guess

Are you scared of flying?
Not really

Is there something bothering you right now?
Not really

If you were told you were 8 weeks pregnant what would you say?
Shit happens

Where do you wanna go for vacation?

Who last sent you a text msg?

What would you say is your favorite food?
Tacos or tortillas

What color is the keyboard you are currently using?

Would you rather write a report or type it on a computer?
Type it

What color was the last jacket or hoodie you wore?

Do you receive more compliments or insults on a daily basis?

Do you own any dresses? If so, what colors are they?
I don't really wear dresses

Would you say you drink more soda than you should?
Yea haha

Do you have your ears pierced? If not, what do you have pierced?
Nope, nothing

Do you ever think you might be pregnant?
Haha there's no chance I'd be!

What is more important in a relationship, happiness or trust?
Happiness but I don't think there can be happiness if there's no trust

What do you hear?

Have a best friend?
Sure do

Are you in a good mood right now?
I guess

Do you think that you have made a difference in someoneÂ’s life?

Does the last person who texted you make you smile?
Usually haha

What are you doing after this?
Who knows

psykaaaaaaaaaaaaaaMaanantai 26.11.2012 16:54

Do you judge people before getting to know them?
I try not to

Would you fight for love?
Been there, done that

Do you have something that belongs to someone from your past?
Oh yeaa

Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?

Where did you get the pants your wearing?

Have you ever slept on a couch with someone else?
Well, yeah

Have you ever kissed two people in one night?
Haha yes

Are promises important to you?

How would you feel if your best friend hooked up with the last person you kissed?
Go for it

Ever done something you knew was wrong but at the moment it felt so right?
Haha yup

Ever danced in the pouring rain?

Ever had your heart broken?

Is change good?
Idk sometimes it is

Do you get jealous easily?
Notta chance

How much did you weigh when you were born?

When you say you donÂ’t care, do you really mean it?

Has the person you fell hardest for ever been to your house?
Tons of times

Have you had a good day today or was yesterday better?
Yesterday was better

The upcoming weekend, have you got plans?
Yup! Going to Tampere with my girls

Would you ever date someone who was absolutely gorgeous but thought they were better than everyone else?

Let's say your best friend or closest friend kissed the first person you kissed, what would you do?
Haha nothing, go for it

Have you ever thought about a teacher naked?
Nope, ewww

Last time you held a baby?
Last summer

When was the last time you had butterflies?
Haha two weekends ago

What are you listening to right now?
Why ya wanna by Jana Kramer

Do you like to make the first move?

Have you ever tried your hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end?

Have any locked text messages?

Would you be mad if your best friend dated the person you liked?
Sure would

Honestly, are things going the way you planned?
I don't really plan

Last person you texted?

What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night?
Studied Swedish

List three things near you:
Bella, psychology book, my phone

Do you like the color green?
It's ok

Have you ever given out your number and then regretted it?
Yea haha

How many pillows do you sleep with?

Could you go a month without talking to your best friend?
It'd be hard

Know anyone with the same birthday as you?

Many people call themselves artistic, what about you?

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
Idk, talk about them

How is the weather?

Are you cheating on someone right now?

How good is your memory?
Pretty good

Are you playing hard to get right now?

Would you rather take a relationship really slow or really fast?

Have you ever seen someone you knew and purposely avoided seeing them?
Haha sure

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?

Are you texting someone?

Has someone ever made you a promise & broke it?

When will your next kiss be?
Who knows

Last person to text you last night?
Probably Henni

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?

Would you be able to date someone who doesn't make you laugh?

Think back to the last person you kissed, how many times have you cried in front of them?

Have you ever fallen asleep in the arms of the last person you kissed?
Haha no

Do you need a hug?
Nah, I'm good

Did you stand on your tippy-toes for your last kiss?
Probably not

Do your eyes change colors?

Who is the last person you were in a car with?

Do you believe exes can be friends?
I do

Tell the truth, are you okay right now?
I am

Hall of FameLauantai 17.11.2012 15:01

WhatÂ’s the last thing you touched, other than your computer?
My face

Could you stay friends with the person you have feelings for?
I could

Do you have somewhere you hide things you donÂ’t want anyone else to find?
Haha yes

Is there anyone you have been avoiding lately?

What are you listening to?
Shelby singing Breath Me In

HowÂ’s your heart lately?
It's beating

Do you hate the last person you kissed?
Haha hard to hate a person I don't even know

Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed?

Are you a jealous person?
Noo not really

Have you ever had your heart broken?

Do you curse in front of your parents?
In front of my dad

Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
No! He's my brother

Have you ever received a teddy bear?
Hahah yea!

Your relationship status?

Who was the last person to make you laugh really hard?
Umm, I'm not sure. Someone in Prime last night

What do you hear?
Shelby singing

Held hands with the opposite sex in the past 5 days?

Have you ever changed clothes in a vehicle?
Haha tons of times

In high school/middle school did you ever get caught passing notes?
Haha I did

Do you ever think about stuff and start crying?

YouÂ’re dying in ten seconds, what do you tell your best friend?
Idk? I love you, and keep your head up, I'll miss you

Has anyone ever told you they want to spend the rest of their life with you?
Yes, asshole

Do you get the recommended eight hours of sleep a night?
Haha not even close

Are you multi tasking right now?

Was the last time your heart pounded like crazy for a good or bad reason?
Last night, good

Did anything make you smile today?

Your last ex says they never even liked you, you say?
That's a lie and you know it

Who can you tell anything to?
Henni, Missu, Susse

Have you ever kissed in the rain?

Who do you feel the most comfortable with?
My friends

How many languages can you speak?

Do you have any piercings?

Is there someone who meant a lot to you at one point and isnÂ’t around now?

Does anyone know your password besides you?

Finish this sentence: The first person I kissed isÂ…

WhoÂ’s bed besides your own were you in last?

Do you regret anything youÂ’ve done lately?

Is your room ever clean?
Haha sometimes

If you had to get a piercing right now, what would it be?
Belly button

Could you date someone taller than you?

Are you comfortable with your height?

Have you ever slept in the same bed as your friend?

When did you last use a straw?
Last night

What are your full initials?

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 3 months?
I know I can

Are you shy?

Who was the last person to buy something for you?
My dad

Has anyone told you they missed you lately?

Honestly, how do you feel right now?

Did you have a dream last night?
Haha heck no

Who did you last hug?
That's a hard one. Nico?

How did you feel when you woke up?

Have you ever driven without a license?

When you canÂ’t sleep, what do you usually do?
Try to sleep

If something was wrong, who is the first girl you would go to?
Susse or Henni

What do you usually do when you have a bad hair day?
Put it on a ponytail

Is there anyone you wish you were spending time with right now?

The next time you go shopping, what are you planning on buying?

Do you really care what other people think about you?
A little

Have you kissed somebody in the last 3 months?

What color shirt are you wearing?
Black with blue and white text

What will you do Saturday?
Today is Saturday and I'm gonna go see Breaking Dawn part 2 with Henni

How long does it take you to get ready to go out?
An hour

WhatÂ’s your favorite season?

Have you ever gone out in public in the same clothes youÂ’ve worn to bed?

Do you have a ceiling fan located in your bedroom?
I do actually

Are you different around your parents than you are around your friends?

What is bothering you right now?

Do you have any unfinished business with anyone?

How do you like your eggs?

Do you have feelings for someone you shouldnÂ’t?

Have you ever been to a prom?

What are you most looking forward to tomorrow?
Well hahah sleeping in?

Did you have a good day yesterday?
The best day for the longest time

Where did you sleep last night?
My bed

Is it possible to be single and happy?

Have you ever gone tanning?
Hahaa lol yea?

What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
Depends on what time I need to be somewhere

Did anything make your day today?
Not yet

What is the last disgusting thing you saw?
Umm, Christer's hands last night

Did anything disappoint you today?
Well yea

Do you still talk to the person you were dating last year?
Which one?

Who is the first person you would call if you REALLY needed help?
Susse probably

Do you think any of your exes still think about you?
Who knows

What type of bread did you use on the last sandwich you made?

Would you be able to date someone who doesnÂ’t make you laugh?

Have you ever wanted someone you couldnÂ’t have?

Do you believe that what goes around comes around?
Haha I guess

Do you currently have any hickeys?

Do you enjoy taking naps?
Love it

Is your best friend dating anyone?

If your significant other said they were moving away, what would you do?
Haha significant other? Idt I have one

Who was the last person you had a serious conversation with?
Umm, Melissa?

.Keskiviikko 14.11.2012 23:05

Are looks important in a relationship?
A little, I guess

Are relationships ever worth it?

Are you a virgin?
Haha no

Are you in a relationship?

Are you in love?

Are you single this year?
Most of it I wasn't

Can you commit to one person?
Sure can

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you ever want to get married?

Do you forgive betrayal?

Do you get jealous easily?
Not really

Do you have a crush on anyone?
Haha maybe

Do you have any piercings?
No, I do not

Do you have any tattoos?

Do you like kissing in public?

Do you masturbate?
Haha no?

Do you shower every day?

Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Probably not

Do you think someone is thinking about you right now?

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months and not cheat?
I know for sure I can

Do you think youÂ’ll be married in 5 years?
Most likely not

Do you want to be in a relationship this year?

Has anyone told you they donÂ’t want to ever lose you?

Has someone ever written a song or poem for you?

Have you ever been cheated on?

Have you ever cheated on someone?
I haven't

Have you ever considered plastic surgery? If so, what would you change about your body?

Have you ever cried over a guy/girl?

Have you ever experienced unrequited love?

Have you ever kissed someone older than you?

Have you ever liked one of your best friends?

Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?

Have you ever liked someone you didnÂ’t expect to?
It happens

Have you ever wanted someone you couldnÂ’t have?

Have you had sex so far this year?
Haha yea

How long can you just kiss until your hands start to wander?

How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?
2 serious ones

How many people did you kiss in 2011?

How many times did you have sex last year?
As if I counted that?! Haha

If the person you like says they like someone else, what would you say?
Alrighty then

If you have a boyfriend/girlfriend, what is your favorite thing about him/her?
No boyfriend

If your first true love said he/she was sorry, what would you say?
You should be

Is there a boy/girl who you would do absolutely everything for?
Sure is

Is there anyone youÂ’ve given up on? Why?
It's better that way

Is there someone mad because youÂ’re dating/talking to the person you are?

Is there someone you will never forget?
Sure is

Things you want to say to an ex:
I have said it all

What is your definition of cheating?
If you would feel hurt if I did the same, then don't do it

WhatÂ’s the nicest thing anyoneÂ’s ever bought for you?
I don't know

When was the last time you felt jealous? Why?
Umm, don't remember

When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Sunday night

Who are five people you find attractive?

Who is the last person you hugged?

Who was your first kiss with?

Why did your last relationship fail?
I'm pretty sure we all know why it ended

Would you ever date someone off of the Internet?

YouÂ’ll love me if: