[Anna-Sofia Sivula]
Ilmianna · 23:27
tiedäksä sen tunteen ku suklaamunasta tulee maailman tylsin lelu
Ilmianna · 23:27
TIEDÄN !!!!!
tiiätkö sen tunteen ku se suklaa ei enää maistu nii hyvältä sen jälkee
[Anna-Sofia Sivula]
Ilmianna · 23:29
Dream on, until your dreams come true. Don't let anyone stop you from reaching for your dreams. Don't listen when people say that you can't do it. Stand up when people punch you down. Don't care if people doesn't give you the credit you deserve.
I asked for love
I asked for mercy
I asked for patience
but you're already all of these things.
I asked for love
I asked for mercy
I asked you for sunshine
but I thank you for the hard rain
oh I thank you for the rain.
I asked for love
oh, you are already all of these things.
If I knew what I needed
If I knew what was good for me
I'd, I'd be down on my knees begging
Please please please
let your light shine bright inside of me
shine inside of me.
you escape like a runaway train
off the tracks and down again
my hearts beating like a steam boat tugging all your burdens
on my shoulders
in the mourning i’ll rise
in the mourning i’ll let you die
in the mourning. all my worry.
now there’s nothing but time that’s wasted
and words that have no backbone
oh the whole world
seems to be waiting
can you hear the echoes fading
in the mourning i’ll rise
in the mourning i’ll let you die
in the mourning. all my sorry’s.