


they call me heartbreaker

<3Sunnuntai 07.03.2010 22:17

Oh no you cant stop trying Im here to hold your hand. I can see youve been crying, cant stand to see your pain.

Ill hold your hand when you cant find your way, Ill help when you, cant make it through the day, Ill be your guide when youre to far from home, and no one hears a word you say.

Ill hold your hand when you cant find your way, Ill help when you, cant make it through the day, Ill be your guide when youre to far from home, and no one hears a word you say.

When You, Feel Like, youre losing everything, oh no you cant stop trying, Im here to hold your hand.
My love, my love, my love is all you need, I can see youve been crying cant stand to see your pain.
Ill be your strength when your world starts to fall, and you feel like the walls are closing in, Ill be the one, the one to wipe your tears, so you could see a brighter day.

Ill be your strength when your world starts to fall, and you feel like the walls are closing in, Ill be the one, the one to wipe your tears, so you could see a brighter day.

When You, Feel Like, youre losing everything, oh no you cant stop trying, Im here to hold your hand.
My love, my love, my love is all you need, I can see youve been crying cant stand to see your pain.

Just Take My Hand And Hold On Tight Til You Could Spread Your Wings And Fla-a-a-ay.

When You, Feel Like, youre losing everything, oh no you cant stop trying, Im here to hold your hand.
My love, my love, my love is all you need, I can see youve been crying cant stand to see your pain, oh no you cant stop trying Im here to hold your hand<3

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