
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

just just :DMaanantai 02.04.2007 18:53

What color of shirt are you wearing?

Red = loud
Green = stupid
Blue = innocent
White = naughty
Aqua = freaky
Yellow = skanky
Purple = a little TOO happy
Black = horny
Orange = funny
Grey = gorgeous
Pink = preppy
Brown = tree-hugging
Multicolored = sweaty
Other = hot
Nothing = sexy

What kind of pants are you wearing?

Shorts = prep
Skirt/Skort= homo
Jeans = emo
Tight jeans = scene kid
Ripped Jeans = slut
Cammo = cage fighter
Cordoroy = skank
Cargo = clown
Sweats/basketballshorts = gangsta
Thong = whore
Boxers = manwhore
Bootieshorts = sex Kitten
Pajamas = stripper
OTHER = retard

What color is your natural hair color?

blonde = with a hot boyfriend or girlfriend
black = with a sexy smile
red = that likes to have fun
brunette = with a broken heart
dirty blonde = with a hot body
brown = with a nice ass
bald = with herpes...type 2...and bad
OTHER = who trys to be different


" I'm a horny emo with a broken heart "

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