


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

Selaa blogimerkintöjä

"This is the most beautiful song I have ever heard in Finnish! I didnt know thet ur language could sound so nice! "

"beautiful :)
finnish is such a pretty language!!^-^*loves it*<33 "

"omg finnish is the most beautiful language in the world "

"i love finnish! this is so pretty! i love the way the y's are pronounced! and the rolling r's!"

"super! ich liebe es! "

"OMg I'm from the USA and this is just awesome!!! I love this finnish version. FInland ROCKS! HARD! ROCK! HALLELUJAH! "

okei iha ymmärrettävää koska "can you feel the love tonight" on ihan vatun ihana suomeks 8> ♥

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