


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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Nande ikiteru no ka? nande shindeku no ka?
Nante kusa ya hana doubutsu mo mina, wakaranai mama
Sore demo seiippai tada tada hisshi ni ikiteru
Kuri kaesu hibi doudou meguri no nichijou de
Shinu tame dake ni ikiten jyanai
Mata ikiru tame ni shindekun da
Mina soko ni imi wo sagashi na kara

^= ♥
btw, kuolen sit viikonpääst ko kuulen ton liven <3__<3
nomutku se on nii ♥ mut sit saan taas itkee silmät päästäni niitte 25 jakson jälkee 8'(

Why can't things go well between the liar,you,and the crybaby,me?
You don't notice my styled hair or my nice set of press-on nails.
Love isn't about the unhappy tears that go along with it,
Those tears only leave my eyes dry and hurt me.
I love this destiny.
...Despite your uncute, tearful face and your shortness, I love you. (<--- D'8 ♥)

...voisin lopettaa näitte tällästen turhien pk merkintöjen tekemisen... MUT EN ANNA TEILLE SITÄ ILOA ETTEIKÖ MULLA OLIS VÄHINTÄÄN 100000 TURHAA MERKINTÄÄ PER PÄIVÄ!
mut aaw 8
jotain hoteint ikin, pitkäst aikaa ihastuin johonki het pariin ! 8''') mut ne on nii ♥
ja tos ja nanas on ehk näteimmät piirustustyylit ikin !

perfect match D:Tiistai 24.06.2008 23:23

Stop right there. That's exactly where I lost it.
See that line. Well I never should have crossed it.
Stop right there. Well I never should have said
That it's the very moment that
I wish that I could take back.

I'm sorry for the person I became.
I'm sorry that it took so long for me to change.
I'm ready to be sure I never become that way again
'cause who I am hates who I've been.
Who I am hates who I've been.

I talk to absolutely no one.
Couldn't keep to myself enough.
And the things bottled inside have finally begun
To create so much pressure that I'll soon blow up.

I heard the reverberating footsteps
Synching up to the beating of my heart,
And I was positive that unless I got myself together,
I would watch me fall apart.

hahaa veeran jännät unet.Tiistai 24.06.2008 16:46


ja sit yritin hukuttautuu.
From the minute that I met here she was different than the rest
But I didn't hear her talking I was staring at her chest
And I wish I would have listened 'cause I think I might have seen the signs
Now it's been a couple months and I can't take another word
She's been pushing every button she's been working every nerve
I've got something she can swallow it sure as hell's not my pride

I'm going crazy and she won't let me go
The lease gets tighter every day
Already told her she's Miss Right Now
But I wish she was Miss Yesterday

nams ♥

TODELLAKI. tai sit suklaa >8------------)Maanantai 23.06.2008 03:41

“Pancakes equal happy! Pancakes…buried in raspberries and butter…”

“Sounds like you’re about to have an orgasm,”

“Because pancakes are sex in food form.”



tsek out tost 2:10 - 2:18 väli nii... 8))
grr ton Misa-ääni on ehk söpöin ♥

ainii ja sit osasin yhdistää pisteet D: ekaks nam joku tamaki, sit raito, ja sit zero. niis kaikis hahmois oli joku semmone <3 mut sit älysin. HEHEE OISKO JOKU MIYANO MAMORU ÄÄNINÄYTTELIJÄNÄ..? ♥

mut siis argh. jos osaisin puhuu nii ois kiva olla ääninäyttelijä 8(

ääääSunnuntai 22.06.2008 21:28

Thank you for being such a friend to me
Oh I pray a friend for life,
And have I ever told you how much you mean to me?
Oh you're everything to me
Thinking all the time how to tell you what I feel,
Contemplating phrases....I'm gazing at eternity,
I am floating in serenity...

And I am so lost for words
And I am so overwhelmed

Please don't leave just yet
Can you stay a moment please
We can dance together
We can dance forever

Under your stars tonight
We'll live and breathe this dream

So close your eyes, but don't dream too deep
And please pass me some memories
And when I fall you're underneath
1000 broken hearts, carried by 1000 broken wings
Only one thing
Big enough to fill the void thats inside of you
It's just a breath away.
You can breathe today

So many lies swirling,
All around you,
You're suffocating,
The empty shape in you,
Steals your breath,
You're suffocating.

(grr ja nyt tost kappaleest tulee mieleen The Last Goodnight -ficci DDD: argh.)