


why so Sirius?

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Sunnuntai 13.02.2011 20:59

You used to see eye-to-eye with me
I gave you everything that I could ever be
But it wasn't enough, my diamonds are rough
I'm a dime in a doze but you're one in a million

Your life's a thrill and you dress to kill
Nothing gets to stand in the way of your will
You're a superstar of the local bar
A jewel among stones, yeah, you're one in a million

You're a prisoner
Of fame and money
A slave for the glory
You reach for the stars
Though you have the
World lying in your arms

You breathe like me and you bleed like me
But unlessa I'll get loaded we can never be
You say you'll get your star on the boulevard
Or you will die on your way girl, you're one in a million

You're a prisoner
Of fame and money
A slave for the glory
You reach for the stars
Though you have the
World lying in your arms

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