
20 awardsia saanut jo...Keskiviikko 12.04.2006 01:45

Team Xbox - Award
Editors' Choice Award
Score: 9.5 out of 10
" the biggest release of 2006 thus far, is it a potential game of the year candidate? Absolutely."

Advanced Media Network - Award
AMN Gold Award
Score: 9.3 out of 10
"The wait is finally over and boy was it worth the wait. If you aren't playing this already, you should be. "

Game Critics - Award
Game Critics Awards:
Best Role Playing Game of E3 2005
"In crafting a living, breathing fantasy world to explore, Bethesda seems well on track to eclipse the critical and commercial success of Morrowind."

GameSpot - Award
Best Role Playing Game of E3 2005
"Thanks to its combination of eye-catching graphics and physics, equally impressive artificial intelligence, and improved quest and combat systems, Oblivion stood out as the most impressive role-playing game at the show."

IGN - Award
Best PC RPG of E3 2005
"Sure it looks quite pretty, but what really grabs us about Oblivion is the amazing artificial intelligence, which makes heavy use of dynamic conversation and behavior."

GameSpy - Award
Best of E3 2005 RPG Game of Show
"...Oblivion leapfrogs past 'new' to become one of the few truly 'next-generation' titles at the show."

Xbox Evolved - Award
10 Best Games of E3 2005
"The game will also feature an all-star cast of voices, and so many sidequests, that the sidequests have sidequests!"

Game Chronicles Magazine - Award
Best RPG of Show
Best PC Game of Show
Best Overall Game of Show
Oblivion wins top honors in Game Chronicles Magazines' 2005 E3 Best of Show Awards.

GamingTrend - Award
E3 2005 Best of Show
"No title at E3 impressed as much as Oblivion -- this game is simply unrivaled. Now comes the hardest part...waiting until this holiday season to 'Close shut the jaws of Oblivion'."

Daily Game - Award
Best of Show: Role-Playing Game
"OblivionÂ’s deep yet approachable gameplay would make even the staunchest FPS fans take note, while its truly next-generation graphics would make them forget all about the visuals in todayÂ’s most-popular shooters."

Games Domain - Award
Best Role Playing Game E3 2005
"Morrowind was one of the best RPGs on the original Xbox, and its creators at Bethesda are aiming to make a greater impact on the 360."

RPG Fan - Award
Best Overall Game of E3 2005
"A next-generation graphics engine attached to the classic open-ended gameplay provides Oblivion with what will most likely be "instant-classic" status upon release."

GamersInfo - Award
E3 2005 Editors' Choice Award
"This is shaping up to be the RPG of RPG lovers' dreams. I have simply never seen such a beautiful game. Period."

GameSpot - Award
Most Anticipated Games of 2005
"One look at the screenshots for the game and the scope and ambition behind the project become apparent. And that scope and ambition are tremendous."

BonusStage - Award
Best Actual Next-Generation Game Award
"...once I saw Oblivion running, a face-cracking grin hit me that lasted for a good hour or so. If the game follows BethesdaÂ’s previous Elder Scrolls titles as far as content, look out."

Voodoo Extreme - Award
Top Games of 2006
"As far the The Elder Scrolls Oblivion goes, they not only have an amazing title, but the support to back it up. That's why they are our new number one."

GameSpy - Award
Most Wanted Games of 2006
"From what we've seen, this looks like it'll be among the year's best for PC and console roleplayers alike."

Xbox Evolved - Award
Most Anticipated Games of 2006
"There's so much to the latest chapter in the Elder Scrolls series, it's hard to know where to begin but to say that this will be a must-have upon release."

WorthPlaying - Award
Most Anticipated Games of 2005
"When I saw the first screenshots, I couldn't believe my eyes and almost had to pick my jaw off of the floor. Ever since I played my first game in 3D, I had envisioned what it would be like to play in a world where you could go anywhere, touch anything, all with the most realistic graphics possible. Elder Scrolls IV looks to finally fulfill a lifetime of gaming dreams."

Game Freaks 365 - Award
Game Freaks 365 Most Wanted Games, Fall 2005
"This is without a doubt my most anticipated Xbox 360 release title, and I'm looking forward to wasting another 150-200 hours of my life in this series."

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 06.04.2006 03:53

Laita kaikki laulusi soittolistalle ja pistä satunnaissoitto päälle. Kysy kysymys ääneen, painaa playta ja anna musiikin toimia profeettana.

Noobit huijaa.

Missä asut: In Flames - System
Kuvaile ensirakkauttasi: Iron Maiden - Drifter
Kuvaile tämän hetkistä ihastumistasi: RHCP - Fire
Mikä on haasteesi: Children Of Bodom - Bed Of Razors
Ketkä ovat ystäviäsi: Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole
Kuvaile ulkonäköäsi: Guns N' Roses - Get In The Ring
Mitä teit viime yönä: Sonata Arctica - Broken
Mikä on elämäsi tavoite: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Milloin harrastat seksiä: Sonata Arctica - UnOpened
Miten haluat kuolla: Guns N' Roses - The Garden
Mitä sanot vanhemmillesi: Sex Pistols - Substitude
Missä vietät aikaasi: Chemical Brothers - Out Of Control
Mitä ajattelet yhteiskunnasta: Green Day - American Idiot
Kuvaile viimeisintä sydänsuruasi: Mötley Crue - Sick Love Song
Mikä on selityksesi kaikelle: Green Day - Wake Me Up When September Ends
Mitä ajattelet perjantaisin: KISS - Gold Gin
Mihin kysymyksiin elämästä et ole saanut vastauksia: Iron Maiden - Sign Of The Cross
Mikä on lempivärisi: Led Zeppelin - The Ocean
Mikä on neuvosi vähemmän kokeneille: S.O.A.D. - Revenga
Mitä tekisit mieluiten juuri nyt: Oblivion Theme Music
Kuvaile parasta ystävääsi: Iron Maiden - That Girl
Mitä on sänkysi alla: The Haunted - Human Depris
Mikä on ollut suurin saavutuksesi: S.O.A.D. - Question
Mihin menet häämatkalle: E-Type - Africa
Mitä on TEE NÄMÄ -listallasi: Rotten Sound - Void
Missä olisit mieluiten juuri nyt: Dimmu Borgir - Allegiance
Mitä ajattelet Lauantaisin: The Prodigy - Voodoo People

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Perjantai 31.03.2006 03:11

Ohje: Avaa haluamasi soitinohjelma, laita kaikki laulusi soittolistalle ja pistä satunnaissoitto päälle. Kysy kysymys ääneen, painaa playta ja anna musiikin toimia profeettana.


Mitä äitini minusta ajattelee?
Korn - Shoots and ladders
Kommentti: lupaavasti lähti liikkeelle
*Nick nack patty wack, give a dog a bone
This old man came rolling home
. . . this old man came,
Mary had a little lamb who's fleece was white as snow!*

Onko elämäni kulkemassa oikeaan suuntaan?
Metallica - Seek And Destroy
Kommenttisi: aijaijai, asiaa... etsi ja tuhoa (but who?) ;)
*There is no escape
and that is for sure
This is the end we won't take any more
Say goodbye
to the world you live in
You have always been taking
but now you're giving*

Mikä auttaisi rahaongelmiini?
Iron Maiden - Running Free
Kommenttisi: I'm running free yeah I'm running free... en kyl tiiä miten tää mun raha asiat korjaa mut xD
*Spent the night in an L. A. jail, and listened to the sirens wail.
They ain't got a thing on me, I'm running wild, I'm running free.*

Mistä ihmiset kadehtivat minua?
Ensiferum - Battery (metallica cover)
Kommenttisi: joopa joo, juon paljon batteryy xD
*Lashing out the action, returning the reaction
Weak are ripped and torn away
Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower
Battery is here to stay*

Mikä auttaa tylsyyteen?
Red Hot Chili Pippurit - All around the world
Kommenttisi: Ding tiki ding tiki tii... lähdenpä tästä maailman ympärys matkalle 80 päivässä tai jotain xD
*I know I know for sure
That life is beautiful around the world
I know I know it's you
You say hello and then I say I do*

Mitä piirrettä en ole itsessäni vielä tiedostanut?
Skid Row - Here I am
Kommenttisi: Kukkuu täällä mie oon, en oo sitä tiedostanu näköjään :)
*I ain't much for talkin'
But all I got to say is
Here I am
Close your eyes and I'll be Superman
Here I am
Come and take my lovin' while you can*

Millaiseksi muutun, kun vanhenen?
Iron Maiden - Prowler (saalistaja)
Kommenttisi: aha just joo, aika kovis vanhus taidan sit olla
*Walking through the city, looking oh so pretty,
I've just got to find my way.
See the ladies flashing. All there legs and lashes.
I've just got to find my way.*

Kehen/mihin ihastun seuraavaksi?
Klamydia - Megamarttyyri
Kommenttisi: aha just ja kukas hän on ? ? ?

Elämän tarkoitus?
Pantera - Metal Magic
Kommenttisi: AZIAA, metal magic is the meaning of life
*when they say don't look back
do what they say
you gotta look ahead
to a better day
in a world of metal magic
you need a break
go forth
take a chance
make no mistake *

Mitäs tän jälkeen kannattais tehdä?
Bob Marley - Get up Stand up
Kommenttisi: Preacher man o' tell me heaven is onto the earth :D

Huomasin tuossa samalla, että musaa sattuu olemaan jotain 271 tuntia ja risat, siinä olis kuuntelemista pitemmäks aikaa...

OBLIVION ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF ! ! !Perjantai 24.03.2006 00:50

Rakas päiväkirja, tänään oli tämän vuoden ehkäpä paras päivä.

Tänään tuli Oblivioni, tuo kauan odotettu uusi "elämäni".

Matematiikan kirjoitukset saattavat hyvinkin kärsiä tuon maailman parhaan roolipelin takia, mutta kyllä se on sen arvoista...

En ole tänään lukenut matematiikkaa yhtään ja huomenna se varmaan kostautuu mutta "DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY"...

Taidanpa tästä mennä saunaan ja sitä kautta nukkumaan, mutta palailkaamme huomenissa...

Sincerely yours Heikki Turpeinen

'tallica gives you heavy babyTiistai 21.03.2006 19:09

vähän meinaa olla jo fiiliksissä kun tietää että pääsee tuossa kesällä kahtoon METALLICAA TALLINNAAN, neljä lippua tänään varasin (että saa ruveta kyseleen jos jotain kiinnostaa ostaa :D)

OBLIVIONI tulee tuossa sopivasti kirjotusten jälkeen, tietääpähän ettei lopu tekeminen pariin kuukauteen, vähän meinaa olla meiningeissä ku eihän sitä oo ootettu kuin viimeset puolvuotta...

Joo mutta eikait siinä... tässä rupeaa aika loppumaan, kolme päivää matiikan kirjotuksiin niin kait sitä pittää ruveta opiskelemaan...

kohta ! ! !

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 15.03.2006 02:04


1. Sukupuoli?
2. Mikä on suurin unelmasi?
3. Mitä inhoat?
4. Millanen fiilis sinulla on nyt?
5. Miten elämäsi sujuu ylipäätään?
6. Mistä asioista pidät?
7. Minne haluaisit matkustaa?
8. Mitä haluaisit sanoa ihastuksellesi/poika-/tyttöystävällesi?

1. Iron Maiden - MAN ON THE EDGE

No voi vitura...Tiistai 14.03.2006 02:39

Huoh... nyt on ollut pari viikkoa sellanen olo ettei vaan jaksa mitään...

Koulun käynti tuntuu ihan turhalta kun ei oo kuin ruotsia aina pari tuntii päivässä

Ois matiikan kirjotukset tulossa ja en ole yhtään lukenut, vituttaa se kun ei jaksa ja silti
kokoajan vaivaa se kun ei viitti kirjojaan aukasta ;/

Kokoajan on ihan vitun tylsää ja kuitenkin ois kokoajan ne kirjat oottamassa

NoJoo tämmöstä tää elämä välillä on...

Mutta ei nyt kaikki kuitenkaan ihan päin vituraa oo.
Olen ruvennut käymään enemmän tekemässä noita öitä tossa isällä ja se on mukavaa
kun on vähän omaa rahaa, lähiaikoina on mennytkin ihan mukavasti moneyta levyihin...


S.O.A.D. - S.O.A.D.

Listataanpas tähän nyt kolme rahan tuhlaus tapaani, kun ei kukaan oo sitä testimikäliesysteemiä mulle laittanu...

1. LEVYT ainakin nyt lähiaikoina ollut melkonen tuhlauskohde
2. Varmaan karkit, limsat, aklomahooli ja muu mättö
3. BENSA, kun on tullut autolla joka päivä nyt parin viikon ajan käytyä koulussa

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 05.03.2006 18:38

"Stairway To Heaven"

There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold
And she's buying the stairway to heaven.
When she gets there she knows, if the stores are all closed
With a word she can get what she came for.
Ooh, ooh, and she's buying the stairway to heaven.

There's a sign on the wall but she wants to be sure
'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings.
In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings,
Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it makes me wonder.

There's a feeling I get when I look to the west,
And my spirit is crying for leaving.
In my thoughts I have seen rings of smoke through the trees,
And the voices of those who stand looking.
Ooh, it makes me wonder,
Ooh, it really makes me wonder.

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

If there's a bustle in your hedgerow, don't be alarmed now,
It's just a spring clean for the May queen.
Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run
There's still time to change the road you're on.
And it makes me wonder.

Your head is humming and it won't go, in case you don't know,
The piper's calling you to join him,
Dear lady, can you hear the wind blow, and did you know
Your stairway lies on the whispering wind.

And as we wind on down the road
Our shadows taller than our soul.
There walks a lady we all know
Who shines white light and wants to show
How everything still turns to gold.
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.

And she's buying the stairway to heaven.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 01.03.2006 15:20

"Hello Lonely"

Hello lonely
How you doin' today?
Hello sweet thing
Why don't you walk this way?

Hello, you again
How could you go and be so cold?
She said "Goodbye sad man"
Cuz all this pain is getting old

So why're you sad?
Don't you know that
It's you that holds my dreams and seems to always come back?

How do I live without you?
How could you walk away from this, just walk away from this again?
How do I live without you?
How could you walk away from this, just walk away from this?

Hello lonely
Now that you're gone I can move on
Goodbye sweet thing
Just know that I've been here all along

So why're you sad?
Don't you know that
It's you who holds my dreams and seems to always come back?

How do I live without you?
How could you walk away from this, just walk away from this again?
How do I live without you?
How could you walk away from this, just walk away from this again?
All those days you waste on me
I just can't let you go

So why're you sad?
Don't you know that
It's you who holds my dreams and seems to always come back?

How do I live without you?
How could you just walk away from this, just walk away from this again?
How do I live without you?
How could you just walk away from this, just walk away from this again?

How could you walk away?
How could you walk away from this?
Just walk away from this again

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 28.02.2006 21:27

"Santa Monica"

She fills my bed with gasoline
You think I wouldn't notice
Her mind's made up
Her love is gone
I think someone's trying to show us a sign
That even if we thought it would last
The moment would pass
My bones will break and my heart would give
Oh, it hurts to live

And I remember the day when you left for Santa Monica
You left me to remain with all your excuses for everything
And I remember the time when you left for Santa Monica
And I remember the day you told me it's over

It hurts to breathe
Well every time that you're not next to me
Her mind's made up
The girl is gone
And now I'm forced to see
I think I'm on my way
Oh, it hurts to live today
Oh and she says "Don't you wish you were dead like me?"

And I remember the day when you left for Santa Monica
You left me to remain with all your excuses for everything
And I remember the time when you left for Santa Monica
And I remember the day you told me it's over

I wanted more than this
I needed more than this
I deserve more than this
But it just won't stop
It just won't go away

I needed more than this
I wanted more than this
I asked for more than this
But it just won't stop
It just won't go away

And I remember the day when you left for Santa Monica
You left me to remain with all your excuses for everything
And I remember the time when you left it all behind
And I remember the day you told me it's over

And I remember the day when you left for Santa Monica
You left me to remain with all your excuses for everything
And I remember the time when you left for Santa Monica
Yeah, I remember the day you told me it's over