


♂ + ♂ = ♥ ♀ + ♀ = ♥ ♀ + ♂ = ♥

Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

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- Vanhemmat »

AWESOME TESTITorstai 20.12.2012 02:46

[☆] You have a boyfriend/girlfriend. //Naaah..
[★] You have your own room. //Jeah..
[★] You own a cell phone. //..njuu.
[★] You have an mp3 player/ipod/discman. //khyllä, iPod
[★] Your parents are still married. //On~
[★] You love your family. //<3
[☆] There is a pool/spa in your backyard. // ._.''
T 0 T A L: 5/7

[★] You dress the way you want to. //Juuh. :D
[★] You hang out with friends more than once a week. //Riippuu mistä roikkuu.
[★] There is a computer/laptop in your room. //Dell c:
[☆] You have never been beaten up. //On toki.
[★] You are allowed to listen to the music you want to. //Toki. Aina J-rockista ihanaan K-poppiin.
[★] Your room is big enough for you. //Ok.
[★] People don't use you for something you have. //Not a chance.
[★] You have been to the movies. //..mikä kysymys..
T 0 T A L: 12/15

[☆] You have over 500 friends on Facebook. //..noei.
[★] You have pictures on Facebook. //Uh-huh.
[★] Your parents let you have a Facebook. //Mhh.
[★] You get allowance/loan. //Juu.
[★] You collect something "normal". //Pinssejä, valokuvia yms.
[☆] You look forward to going to college. //...
[★] You don't wish you were someone else. //Enpäjuu. Mut paranneltavaa löytyy aina.
[★] You play a sport.「Every night」
[★] You want to do something after school/college. //
T 0 T A L: 19/24

[☆] You own a car/truck. // :cc
[★] You usually don't fight with your parent(s). //Enn oikeestaa..
[★] You have never got a failing grade on a report card in your life.
[★] You have friends. //<3
[★] You've never had a detention. //Korvausta senkin eestä..
T O T A L: 23/29

[★] You know what is going on in the world. //Valitettavasti.
[★] You are happy with your life. //Mhm. :D
[☆] You usually aren't sick.
[★] You know more than one language. //FINSKA, SVENSKA, Englantia ja Japania.
[★] You have a screen name. //Lukusia.
[★] You own a pet. //Koiruus.
[★] You know the words to more than 5 songs. //OP OP OP OP, OPPAN GANGNAM STYLE!
[☆] You don't have any enemies. //Bawahhaa..! Koko maailma!
T O T A L: 29/37

Total overall: 29
Multiply by 3 = 87%

101%+: A+
90-100%: A
80-89%: B
70-79%: C
60-69%: D
00-59%: F

Tulos: B

//Meh. Kelpaa. :D

Truth.Sunnuntai 16.12.2012 05:53

I want you.
But you will never be mine.
- Vanhemmat »