
  • You said you're just one in the crowd
    But, your laughter is way too loud
    You feel the darkness rule the light

  • Can you tell me that I'm wrong
    Don't keep your broken heart too long
    Deep inside your growing strong

  • Your living in the dark
    Where no one can see your tears
    But, hold your head up high

  • Your living in the dark
    Where no one can see your tears
    But, hold your head up high

  • Your life is complicated too
    But, you know just what to do
    The light you give is not in you

  • Look behond your life today
    Can you see yourself this way
    When the wintercold is gone

  • Hold your head up high
    And this pain will die
    Somehow, somewhere, just try

  • Hold your head up high
    And this pain will die
    Somehow, somewhere, just try


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