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- Vanhemmat »

SE ON OHIMaanantai 11.06.2007 01:10

Today i just woke up after a loooooong lasting nightmare,it was very bad bc somehow if i try to remember there was LA JUVE in serie B......The good thing about nightmares is that you wake up and that's what i did....FORZA JUUUUUUUUUUUUUUVE

Saturday, week end thoughts Lauantai 09.06.2007 17:14

I just used my new hydrating cream,and it seems to work and now i'm getting ready to play my saturday football match :)

Tosi SuomalainenLauantai 09.06.2007 00:31

Ensimmainen paiva irc-galleriassa
- Vanhemmat »