


I'm never gonna take off this crown and this is not the last time you'll hear my name. Come at me bro I'm a fucking animal
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I am not done

This is not the last time
That I will stand in the spotlight
Mark my word
I will snatch what you own
Better get ready to lose to the throne

This time last year I had to prove something
Nobody could tell me I couldn't do nothing yeah
don't you know i put it down
Man, 'cause I dominate

And this is not the last time that you'll hear my name
And this is not the place for me to explain
I'm good, this is not the pain talking
This is called facts
Mark my word

I take what I want
'Cause I'm a fucking animal
Come at me bro
I'm a fucking animal
Never back down
I'm a fucking animal
I kill while I'm hungry

This is not last year
And I am not done here
