


iiris! mokomakin todellisuudesta irtautunut taidehippi!

tai itse asiassa en oo varma tosta kolmosesta. N3:n oon nähny ja oon sillä matkustanukin monena surullisenkuuluisana yönä mutta pelkkä kolmonen hmm..

ja niin itse oon matkustanut noista ykkösellä, sillä N3:lla ja seiskalla. ysillä ois kiva mennä ku ne on suurin osa niit vanhan mallisii ihania.

ja nyt ku kirjotan ni voin kertoo että oli kiva päivä tänään (: oltiin trafalgarilla shelbyn ja kumppareiden kanssa tsekkaa kinuskien uusvuoshulinat, sitte jossai vaihees lempattiin meidän seuralaiset ja lähettiin käppäilemään thamesin varrelle ja sillein.

oli kyllä taas niin loistavia juttuja. shelbyllä etenki. "my legs are so cold i feel like a polar bear has raped me." olin hitusen silleen että ...ok. ja ku päästiin kiinalaiseen, oli hitusen nälkä tytöillä: "im just gonna open my mouth and put my head in the noodle tray. im not even kidding."

and im not even kidding that im hungry for chinese again.

TAITorstai 18.02.2010 17:50

jos ristinkin ne waterlooks ja jubileeks. siinä ois nimeä kerrakseen. ja sit voisin kutsuu niitä walluks ja julleks.

tai piccadillyki ois ihan kiva nimi.

// final edit: niistä tulee jamie ja princess leia.

hullu kissanainenTorstai 18.02.2010 05:03

miettii tässä nimiä tuleville kissoilleen, tytölle ja pojalle.

poikakissasta tulee ehdottomasti james tai jamie - james ois parempi sinänsä että se on kivempi lausua ja koska niin jamiestä tulee vähän negatiivisia konnotaatioita mutta toisaalta taas jamie kuulostaa enemmän semmoselta söpöltä kisumirriltä. ja koska jamie on just semmonen pussy.

mutta tyttökissalle en meinaa keksiä ;< aattelin lilyä jamesin kaveriks, mut lily taas ei oo silleen hirveen ihmeellinen nimi. tai sitten iiris tai iris, mut se ei kuulosta niin kissan nimeltä.

tai anerley hehe. koska essi niin tykkäs siitä tien nimestä, anerley road.

toisaalta jos ois jamie ni vois olla joku sellai perus brittinimi... toisaalta koska brittimuijat on niin vittumaisia lehmiä ni kuka nyt haluis antaa kissalleen nimeks jonkun semmosen nimee.

mara ois aika hyvä. mara ja jamie. hei. sehän kävis.

tai alice!

alice ja jamie
mara ja jamie
lily ja james

shelby and kids at the museumTiistai 16.02.2010 02:11

one of the kids, pointing at a dinosaur leg showing all its muscles: "look, dinosaur muscles!"
shelby: "a big slab of meat, that's what i like!"
tiina: *cracks up*
shelby: "that was slightly inappropriate..."
tiina: "slightly."

shelby, pointing up at the stone ornaments - a devilish head with horns: "oh look at that thing, with the horns. it's like me. horny."

and shelby again, pointing up at the top of the next stone pillar, displaying a cat figure: "look. a pussy."

so that was plenty of natural history for one day. and you can imagine what it was like when we got to the human biology section...

i dont know what to do!Maanantai 15.02.2010 04:01

-you know what to do. you dont have to do anything.

lolLauantai 13.02.2010 09:33

"oon vaa kerra yrjönny kännis"

no toinen kerta toden sanoo. bussikuski herätti päätepysäkil: "mis sun piti jäädä pois" "piccadillyl" "no voin viedä sut takas mihi oot menos" "notting hillii" "no pärjääks" "kyllähä mä."

no pärjäsin, vähä vaa jäädyin ku ootin Nseiskaa.

let me sail with the orinoco flowTorstai 11.02.2010 05:27

let me sail, let me sail, let the Orinoco flow.
let me reach, let me beach on the shores of Tripoli
let me sail, let me sail, let me crash upon your shore
let me reach, let me beach far beyond the Yellow Sea

from Bissan to Palau in the shade of Avalon
from Fiji to Tiree and the isles of Ebony
from Peru to Cebu, feel the power of Babylon
from Bali to Cali far beneath the Coral Sea

from the north to the south, Ebudae unto Khartoum
from the deep Sea of Clouds to the Island of the Moon
carry me on the waves to the lands ive never been
carry me on the waves to the lands ive never seen

we can sail, we can sail with the Orinoco Flow
we can steer, we can near with Rob Dickins at the wheel
we can sigh, say goodbye
Ross and his dependencies
we can sail, we can sail

sail away

sail away

sail away.

no jo nyt on kummaKeskiviikko 10.02.2010 15:57

oon jostain helvetin syystä poika enkä saa sitä vaihettua mistään. APUA

uu oon vähä feimi lolTiistai 09.02.2010 04:18

lontoon jäpikät juorunnu musta ahaha. essi kerto että ryan ja matt oli ihmetelly kuinka haluun jonku jamien ku oon nii hyvännäkönen että voisin saaha ihan kenet vaan :D

ei siinä vähän kohottaa itsetuntoo, ryan ja matt ei tosiaan oo mitään pahannäkösiä jätkiä (etenkään ryan<3), kohta pää täynnä pissaa mulla jos vielä kuulen tämmösiä juttuja hehe.

The Vanishing Gold (October 1st, 2008)Maanantai 08.02.2010 04:24

The instant she walked into the crowded Red Feather saloon, the lively chatter died. Everyone's eyes were focused on the torn appearance of the middle-aged woman. A ghost from the past, was the first thought in the minds of the men. From the days they had all felt like being something else than just a miscellaneous group of drunk and disorderly.
She had changed awfully lot. The occasional rude and suggesting comments that were dared to be spoken aloud didn't do a scratch on her even façade. She'd used to be bad-tempered, and they had enjoyed seeing her furious. Her now tranquil expression frustrated them; seemed as if she'd heard absolutely nothing. The gaze she had lowered down, though, was full of hidden anger towards the men who had once laid their dirty miner hands on her smooth, young skin.
But now the radiant beauty she'd once possessed was gone, its absence forcing the men to realize that the Golden Days were merely a mix of unreachable memories in their blurry minds. Making her company at the empty bar wouldn't bring back the glamor of the old days, so people stayed still in their booths and little by little the careful discussion got louder. They started to talk about her as if she hadn't been sitting just a dozen feet away. Unwilling to hear the obscenities chanted in lisping male voices, she ignored every sound her ears picked from behind her back. For a brief moment she was completely alone with the bourbon she'd just ordered. That moment was quickly over as she noticed yet another man in the corner of her eye.

Rain Stanton's reaction, as he entered the saloon and laid his eyes on the thin female figure sipping on her drink, was silent astonishment and overwhelming worry, of which the latter he'd last felt over a decade ago. It was the same kind of worry, only for slightly different reasons. This wasn't the girl in need of protection he had tried but failed to give; the woman in front of her was the outcome of a rough course of life.
Rain knew he wasn't to blame for her lot in life, but seeing her starved and exhausted like that made him sad. And the men still didn't give her a single moment in peace. He threw an angry glare towards the loudest troublemaker as he took a seat beside the woman.
“Siri,” he called although he was aware of having gotten her undivided attention the moment he'd come over to her. She kept her eyes on the half empty glass of bourbon as she greeted him with a nod barely visible.
“Rain. Still here wasting your life?”
Rain ignored the rhetorical question. “You got away.”
“I did.”
She smiled a bittersweet smile and Rain left the questions unasked. There were things people wanted to keep to themselves.
“So what did you come here for?” he asked, hoping not to sound unwelcoming. She turned to look at him for the first time. The look in her grey eyes was tired and so blank it scared him. Behind that, there was silent pleading. It hurt him to look at her, but he didn't break the eye contact. After a moment she tried on a smile.
“Just for a couple of drinks.”
Rain snorted and ordered her a plate of actual food. The lack of resistance on her part surprised him, as she'd always had the unfortunate habit of trying to turn down every helpful gesture. Now she accepted and started pecking at her meal in silence.
“Are you gonna stay for good?” he continued the interrogation. She answered with a single shrug.
“Where are you staying?”
Another shrug. Rain came to the conclusion she didn't have any money on her.
“I have a big house. Plenty of guest rooms. No charge.”
“You do?” she asked, a hint of mockery in her tone. “Inherited the farm, huh?”
“Yeah. I sold the cattle, though.”
“A pity.” Now the irony was audible. Rain recalled her distaste for cows due to a childhood trauma. Some issues never leave you, were they big or small. He studied her facial expressions, or actually the lack of them, while waiting for an answer. But she was everything but an open book; more like a double-locked diary, the key thrown into the depths of a bottomless river. Her face was impassive, so he had no other choice but to wait for her to declare the decision.
“I guess I could come,” she finally said. “Just to see how the old farm's doing.”

The Moon was big and bright in the clear sky. It shone over the town and forced insomniac people to cover their windows with, in addition to plain curtains, thick blankets in order to be able to get some sleep.
Siri hadn't even closed the drapes. As Rain was tiptoeing towards the kitchen for some milk, he noticed that carefulness had been unnecessary. The guest room door was ajar and Siri was sitting on the double bed, hardly filling her side of it. She'd wrapped her arms around her knees and was gazing at the sky. Lost in thought, eyes reflecting the pale moonlight, she looked more alive than ever, but simultaneously more vulnerable, almost fragile. There was a peculiar glitter in her eyes, like tiny gold nuggets sparkling among grey sand.
Rain's heart leaped inside him and he resisted the urge to go and wind his arms protectively around the slender figure. He was about to make his way into the kitchen and give the woman some privacy, when her surprisingly strong voice called after him.
“I saw you, might as well come in,” she said. “Not like I was intending to sleep, anyway.”
When Rain entered the room, all signs of vulnerability were gone. The look in her eyes was inscrutable again, her shield impenetrable. Had the golden sparkle been merely his own imagination? He was desperately looking for a crack in the shell, through which he could squint and see if there was anything left undamaged, or anything he could fix.
“What are you staring at? You wanna screw me? Go ahead, I'm not a little girl anymore. You've been waiting for it far too long.”
She grabbed his hand and pulled him roughly onto the soft sheets. Gently, he pushed her away and shook his head. It had never been about the age. It wasn't like she'd been a child back then. But he wanted something else. Something she didn't have to offer, or wasn't able to.
Siri was frustrated with him. Deep inside she had been wishing that he'd be the same than all the other disgusting men who were just trying to get laid. But Rain's intentions crossed the line and for the first time during her whole pathetic life she was frightened. Not only startled, but truly scared to death. His caring touch burned her skin as he tucked her in like a baby.
“Try to get some sleep, 'kay?”
She didn't answer. Rain rose to draw the curtains and before he left, he kissed her forehead quickly but affectionately, having no idea what immense pain it caused her.
She started to tremble, but managed to take control over her body. If she had to suffer in order to heal, she would refuse. If she was to live in pain, at least she could choose the pain she was used to.

During the night, a mass of grey clouds had covered the sky. Rain got up early and walked into the hallway. The stone floor was cold when he crossed it with bare feet. The guest room door was closed and he hesitated a moment before pulling it wide open.