kidutusta ois valita vaan yks joten valitsen muutaman enemmän, mutta ne lempparit : 1x10 Popular kids, 3x15 Revelations, 3x16 Elephant's Memory (eka kuva), 4x20 Conflicted (toka kuva), 4x24 Amplification (viimenen kuva), 5x2 Haunted ja 5x3 Reckoner. ( ja lol sitä pidemmälle en oikeen ookkaan kattonu ok oon jossain 5x05 jaksossa tai jotai mut nii XD )
2. What season did you start watching?
3. Favorite guest star?
4. Favorite female character?
5. Least favorite female character?
6. Favorite place the BAU has visited?
7. You’ve been kidnapped, and the BAU is doing victimology on you. What would they find in your room?
8. Favorite Garcia/Morgan moment?
9. Favorite Unsub?
10. Least favorite Unsub?
11. Favorite male character?
12. Least favorite male character?
13. Favorite couple?
14. Favorite episode quote?
15. Jason Gideon or David Rossi?
16. Elle Greenaway or Emily Prentiss?
17. Least favorite episode?
18. Most interesting case?
19. Grossest/most disturbing case?
20. Favorite Morgan episode?
21. An episode that made you cry?
22. Favorite Prentiss episode?
23. Favorite personal interaction between characters?
24. Favorite character quote?
25. Favorite Reid episode?
26. Favorite Hotch episode?
27. What would you want to see in a Criminal Minds movie?
28. How would you end the show?
29. Have you considered an FBI career because of this show?
30. Something you learned from watching the show?