


kuinka? kekä? kute? Käse? Käh käh?

Virginia DrownLauantai 13.12.2008 23:18

Let the waves swing you gently
and let the water float you for a while.
As the sunlight breaks on the surface
of the lake you decided to hide in.
Let the depths of that lake
hold you tighter than he ever did.
Because the strong arms of liquid love
are the only holder we need.

The spectrum of colours could hurt your eyes
but the ice cold water forces you to close them.
And you swing away into the deepest kiss
of the lake and there you hide him.
And when they find you from that lake
the sunlight breaks in to spectrum of colours,
he may not give a shit about that you're dead.
But you will come back, from the ice cold water.

Drown Virginia, drown. The lake is your lover.
Swallow the sparkles of light when dark, blue arms
takes you home.

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