


kuinka? kekä? kute? Käse? Käh käh?

Mietin vaan.. jotainMaanantai 15.12.2008 20:48

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 15.12.2008 20:47

Virginia DrownLauantai 13.12.2008 23:18

Let the waves swing you gently
and let the water float you for a while.
As the sunlight breaks on the surface
of the lake you decided to hide in.
Let the depths of that lake
hold you tighter than he ever did.
Because the strong arms of liquid love
are the only holder we need.

The spectrum of colours could hurt your eyes
but the ice cold water forces you to close them.
And you swing away into the deepest kiss
of the lake and there you hide him.
And when they find you from that lake
the sunlight breaks in to spectrum of colours,
he may not give a shit about that you're dead.
But you will come back, from the ice cold water.

Drown Virginia, drown. The lake is your lover.
Swallow the sparkles of light when dark, blue arms
takes you home.

Me ruvetaan Emilie Autumniksi eiks jeah?Lauantai 13.12.2008 05:07

anna sanoo:
ruvetaan kolmistaan ja harrastetaan ea seksiä ja kuvataan se videolle ja laitetaan youtubeen : D
anni sanoo:
öööö. ei? :''D
anna sanoo:
no ehkei
anni sanoo:
tai jos mää alkaisinki vaikka sugarlessiksi tai maggotsiksi tai contessaksi tai tai : DDD
anna sanoo:
anni sanoo:
wwohoo : D
anna sanoo:
: D
anna sanoo:
sitten tanssin can cania päivästä toiseen ja pidän tekoripsiä!
anni sanoo:
: DD

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 12.12.2008 16:02

Uusi aika tulee.

Ei vielä

odota hetki.

Tunnen sen värähtelyn
ihollani ja tiedän,

se tuo mukanaa
uuden tiedon.


Näemme vihdoin

pintaa syvemmälle.
Ne tulevat.


Uudet lapset.

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 08.12.2008 14:29

voi vittu mun pitkät kalsarit on kadonnu! saatana! tiputin ne vissiin vahingossa rappuun ja nyt niitä ei ole missään : <

äh vittu kuolen asylum ei toimi :<Sunnuntai 07.12.2008 19:50

välillä herään todellisuuteenSunnuntai 07.12.2008 16:57

ja huomaan olevani.


Sparkling VampiresLauantai 06.12.2008 15:12

Bella Swan is glad to die for love...
Others excite in fighting and win.
But she prefer a vampire who lives
And gives sparkling skin.

A kiss on the neck may be quite continental,
But vampires are a girl's best friend.
A kiss may be death, and it will ease her anger
Of not being a vampire, or help you feed his

Edward goes cold as Bella grows old,
and we all lose our sparkle in the end.
But werewolfs or shift-shaped,
These guys don't lose their shape.
Vampires are a girl's best friend!


'Cause we are living in a mysterical world
And she is such a unpleased girl

Come and get me, boys
Black Jacob, Edward Cullen
Talk to me, Mike Newton, tell me all about it!
There may come a time when a lass needs a lawyer

But vampires are a girl's best friend

There may come a time when a hard-boiled vampire thinks you're...

In danger!

But bite my neck or else no vampiresex!

He's your guy when sparkles are high
But beware when they start to descend
Oooo...Vampires are a girl's best,
Vampires are a girls best,
Vampires are a girls best friend!

Let's make a baby!
Oh, come on

Oh! But I'm dangerous!

No you're
Roar! Roar!


[Edward:] I might hurt you!

'Cause that's those sparkles gets me to the higness!
Vampires... are a... girl's... best... friend!