
täs oon vähä ihmetellyLauantai 06.03.2010 01:21

anna says:
henry o kyl pirun hyvä biisi
hitto brian o nams
apua mitä vittuuuu
ruotsissaki messuilla kattelin vaan hyvännäkösii poikiii

oon nero.Lauantai 06.03.2010 00:32

anni says:
meikä ei ossaa kuvitella nyt etes itteäni jätkän kanssa nii saati sitten sua
anna says:
ehkä meidän vaan pitää palata yhteen niin saada toisillemme muijat
ja sitte ku joku tulee innokkaasti iskemään niin erotaan ja aletaan niiden uusien kanssa
kreit plään ai häs

ahahahahahahaaa paras rage everLauantai 06.03.2010 00:20

tää on iso juttuPerjantai 05.03.2010 20:29

“We were surprised by the results,” says Treier, “We expected the mice to stop producing oocytes, but what happened was much more dramatic: somatic cells which support the developing egg took on the characteristics of the cells which usually support developing sperm, and the gender-specific hormone-producing cells also switched from a female to a male cell type.”

for salePerjantai 05.03.2010 13:48

I have life for sale, I bought it from blackmarket
It's bit shaggy and not in fit, but it's still usefull.
It's not dazzling or shimering, I hate those words
don't ever use them if I'm around.
Well this life cost about 5 bucks, and yes I was broke,
there were better ones in offer, but I didn't want them, oh no.
This life was stolen from me and that's the reason why I bought it
back from the blackmarket. It's my life.

You may wonder if there's something wrong with it
but no, it's usefull like I said. So why am I selling it?
Because I will die anyway. What am I doing with life
which I can't live forever and eternity?

Why should I celebrate this deal, it's not a big thing
I've been selling lifes before and it makes me just cynical.
It's very pessimistic thing to do, no happy soul would do this,
I'm very pessimistic as you can see, I'm very pessimistic as you can see.
You know, with young lives you can go anywhere.
So buy this young life and you can do anything.
I'm not using it because I don't want it, it has no use for me

You can wonder if there's something wrong with it
but no, it's usefull like I said. So why am I selling it?

I don't need it, because the one I love doesn't love me anymore.
I don't need it, because darkness has filled my veins, replaced my blood.
It doesn't matter how much things will change,
they won't change enough, not the way I want.
It doesn't matter how much you pay, just put in my account
the bank knows what to do.
I give this picture and this necklace, Give the necklace to
the one in the picture, Could you do it for me? x?

meseviisauksiaTorstai 04.03.2010 22:10

anna says:
nut ei sulla oo koskaa ollu tommosta skenehuoralakkakypärää joka suojelee horoi kiimasten wnb-emoskenekunkkujen saastaiselta kermasuihkulta


OPTIMUS PRIME! WIN!Torstai 04.03.2010 20:43

huomen varmaa superiKeskiviikko 03.03.2010 23:20


aijaiKeskiviikko 03.03.2010 18:39

mun pää on pehmeenä. johtuisko skitsofreniasta?

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 28.02.2010 16:55

I F E E L P A T H E T I C.