when i was the king, when i was the ruler.Who was the begger and who was the listener..It was those minds which make my thoughts to fly and when i was in my dreams you came to me. Now you have been saw and heard. I think there is no more to see and hear. My dreams they are gone to dust and wind blow the dust on the air like dry sand. I was only the sitting hand of your life i was only the look that you make when you were despressed. I'am sayin goodbye and good lifes. This is the end of all beatiful.
Ulos tekemään lumi enkeleitä..Nyt on kurkku ja kuumetta :/, mutta se ei menoa haittaa :D Aamulla aivan kauhee kurkkukipu. Nyt vähä hellittäny :P... Tänäänki makia ilma :P...Ei muutaku ulos hiippailee.
"ei muuten osu tohon keskelle" "läts" "lol" ||||| 10 min päästä "mainostauko loppu" "osuuko toi keskelle" "läts" "ei lol" ...... omenoita ammuttiin munasta roikku :D jousipyssyllä ammuttiin :D:D:D.:":.