flunssainen maanantai on oiva päivä käytettäväksi ficcien lukemiseen, eikö vain?
joten luen eclipsen kolme viimeistä lukua loppuun tänään. saatan myös lukea jotain ihan uutta (suosituksia?). mutta sitä ennen, lainaus maailman parhaasta humorficistä:
http://www.riddikulus.org/restrictedsection/fic.php?fic=rid:/authors/csnape/MIDB.html )
Lucius sat up to look at his new son-in-law. He had that stupid Gryffindor deer-in-the-headlights look on his face. Lucius rolled his eyes at Draco. Draco smiled the goofiest Gryffindor-style grin that he had ever seen. The elder Malfoy picked his jaw up off the floor and regarded the dark-haired wizard who was trying desperately to cover his private parts from the eyes of his new in-laws.
'Too late, Potter. You have nothing left to hide.' Lucius smirked to himself. If he wasn't in such a panic, it would have almost seemed funny.
Never being the most eloquent in potentially dangerous situations, Harry squeaked "Fuck... Oh, sorry Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy," and ran back into the bathroom to release the contents of his stomach into the porcelain bowl.
Draco shrugged and Lucius glared. 'That boy will never be a Malfoy. Malfoy's do not vomit. Ever.'
The older man continued his death glare. "Draco...son...would you care to explain to your mother and me just how and why Harry Potter is currently in your bathroom ...naked...vomiting into the toilet? Hmmm?"