Haha, Finland kicked Canadas ass 2-0 in hockey... what are you say about that.. Karley, Kelsey, Davin..?!?
Haaste, Challenge
Tehtävänanto, Commission:
I'll give away my five weird/strange habit. After that I'll choose five people, who I'll challenge to do same thing. They must write these rules also. I'll write those chosen ones names under this assignment. Also I'll let them know about this challenge to their commentary area.
1) --I've never cheated on any of my girls (strange thing in nowdays)
2) --I kind of 'play drums' with my teeth. (by cracking my teeth together)
3) --I used to sing when I drive on car and sometimes even when driving on motorcycle (when I'm driving alone of course). Also I whistle guitar-solos with music I listen to.
4) --I'm very neurotic delicate with my CD:s. One little scratch on CD and it's ruined. (heh, so you dont'n have to worry if you borrow me your CD:s..)
5) -- I'm just different, weird guy, so many thing so I can't tell all of them...
I've have no friends so I don't challenge anyone..
Ei vaa.. Karley and Kelsey, you can do this if you want..!