

8.7.1994 (30,28 vuotta)

You'll have yours, I'll have mine
No one guilty, no one right.


63 Tänään
63 Viimeisen 7 päivän aikana
Älä näytä modausta
  • Kuvassa:

    SUESANNAinstead of killing time,
    we'll have each other
    until the sun.

  • hold my hands across your face,
    because I think our time has come.

  • beyond the pale
    everything is black
    no turning back.

  • raparpi

    raparpithis is where it starts.
    this is where it will end.
    here comes the moon again.

  • Jeannne

    Jeannnethings can come and go I know but
    Baby I believe
    something's burning strong between us.

  • UND

    UNDi've done enough now
    to know this beautiful place
    isn't everything they say.

  • Smappis

    Smappisi could be could
    i could be ruthless
    you know I could be just like you.

  • a hundred days had made me older
    since the last time that I saw your pretty face.

  • the things I thought you'd never know about me
    were the things I guess you always understood.

  • adiStar

    adiStarmelting in your arms, I fail to realise
    why the mornings always change the colour of your eyes.

Baptized in the river.
» a.

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In the public eye I act like I don't care