
[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 10.02.2008 22:39

Filthy, Dirty, Nasty, that's the way we like it
It's all over, when Filthy A's hit arenas
Felony-na, Misdemeanas,
Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio, Kidman, big hommie K-Perro
Dirty wild, that's our style, "chomp chomp" like a crocodile...Dog pile
Any place or time with the title on the line,
guarentee you'll lose cause we do break rules

Filthy, Dirty, Nasty that's the way we like it
Movie screens, limosines, televise it live, let me hear you scream
I hear you like to party, and shake that body
Take your stake, crusiers or heavyweights
1-2-3 count then we celebrate
Tampa Bay superstars, sushi, strip bars, fancy fast cars

Filthy, Dirty, Nasty that's the way we like it
Hot bodies make me act naughty
You get your friends and I'll get mine, and we'll find a party
Where'd the Fiesta at? ¿Estoy listo?
I got the yeska, you bring the bisto
Mamasita, no me digas nada
Shake it but don't break it cause it took your momma(jefa) 9 months to make it

Filth-y, Dir-ty, Nasty that's the way we like it
my man that it's all for the fans
the thesis is to rip opponents to pieces
Hotel's, Motel's rooms get damaged, can't be controled or managed
Cameras flashing, big check cashing, it's all mind blowin'
You fools aint knowin'
Can't get rich together so we do it solo
Roll with wrestlers, hustlers, and chulos

Filthy, Dirty, Nasty that's the way we like it
Se saatanan Cena voitti Rumblen...

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 24.01.2008 22:50

For those about to rock and what ya want
Baby you know you're judas and I'm your priest
Baby what I got is not from the least
Bring it through the stage in the rage of a beast

Step in the arena and break the wall down
Step in the arena and break the wall down

So good (You know I got ya), Soooooo right
Yeahhh, Yeah

Awaken from a deep sleep
You're all weak
You're living in the agony of defeat
I am the master of your whole heap
I am the pack that flock ya like sheep

Step into the town and break the wall down
Your heart beat is the only sound
Step into the light and then you'll know
You were stopped and dropped by the Walls of Jericho

For those about to rock, Set the clock
For those about to jump, I'm all pumped
For those about to go, Watch me flow
Break down the Walls of Jericho

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 17:02

I have lost my smile :(

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 13.01.2008 15:11

There I was completely wasting, out of work and down
All inside its so frustrating as I drift from town to town
Feel as though nobody cares if I live or die
So I might as well begin to put some action in my life

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

So much for the golden future, I cant even start
Ive had every promise broken, theres anger in my heart
You dont know what its like, you dont have a clue
If you did youd find yourselves doing the same thing too

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

You dont know what its like

Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law
Breaking the law, breaking the law

Breaking the law

[Ei aihetta]Tiistai 25.12.2007 17:51



Erja haastoi.Perjantai 14.12.2007 23:46

Listaa alle niiden ihmisen nimet, jotka ovat viimeksi kommentoineet OLETUSKUVAASI ja haasta sitten heidät tähän samaan, mutta ÄLÄ KATSO KYSYMYKSIÄ ETUKÄTEEN! Lopuksi vastaa kysymyksiin numeroiden perusteella.

1. erpii
2. qukedi
3. eeppu-
4. m^emmma
5. jipper

Mistä tunnet nelosen?

Tiedätkö kakkosen sukunimen?

Koska olet viimeksi tavannut ykkösen?
-öööh, siitä on aikaa...teatteri aallossa tapasin, toivottavasti nähtäs taas....

Onko kolmonen sinua vanhempi?
-hmmm, en ole varma, ei kai..?.

Missä vitonen asuu?
-parin kilsan päässä

Kirjoita lyhyt runo nelosesta?
-emma hoiti vauvaa, joka muistutti pientä hauvaa

Oletko nähnyt ykkösen vanhempia?
-hip hei, kyllä olen! :)

Oletko koskaan yöpynyt vitosen luona?

Onko kakkonen koskaan yöpynyt sinun luonasi?

Oletko seurustellut kolmosen kanssa?

Miten ykkönen oli pukeutunut, kun ensimmäisen kerran tapasitte?
-en muista, oisko ollu villapaita....

Oletko koskaan itkenyt kakkosen nähden?
-kuulemma pienenä... :)

Kenet heistä tunnet parhaiten?
- SAMIN!!!!!!!!

Entäs huonoiten?
-Ehkä eepun

Onko kakkonen sinulle tärkeä?
-jeps, torremolinos here we come!

Oletko ollut ikinä 4 luona?
- yhesti

Mitä kolmonen tuo sinulle ekana mieleen?
-johtajan! :)

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 09.12.2007 01:28


[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 25.11.2007 00:17

I am your holy totem
I am your sick taboo
Radical and radiant
I'm your nightmare coming true
I am your worst enemy
I am your dearest friend
Malignantly Malevolent
I am of divine descent

I have come to rock your world
I have come to shake your faith
Anathematic Anarchist
I have come to take my place

I am your unconsciousness
I am unrestrained excess
Metamorphic restlessness
I'm your unexpectdness

I am your apocalypse
I am your belief unwrought
Monolithic juggernaut
I'm the illegitimate son of god

Stray bullet
From the barrel of love
Stray bullet
From the heavens above
Stray bullet
Ready or not
I'm the illegitimate son of god

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.11.2007 14:25

Wir fliegen immer höher, hier sind wir frei (sind wir frei).
Wir sind bereit unsren Weg zu gehen, hier oben kann uns nichts geschehen.
Die Erde bebt denn unser Kampf ist noch nicht vorbei (nicht vorbei).
Doch unser Wunsch wird irgendwann in Erfüllung gehen.

Siehst Du wie das Eis zerbricht, kannst Du das Feuer sehen?
Wir müssen den Kampf bestehen unsre Welt wird sonst irgendwann untergehen.

Cha-la Head Cha-la gib niemals auf, ich weiß das Feuer brennt in dir,
bald hast Du Dein Ziel erreicht.
Cha-la Head Cha-la öffne Dein Herz, Du hast die Macht alles zu tun,
Ich weiß Du kannst es schaffen.

Cha-la Head Cha-la spürst Du die Kraft die tief in deiner Seele wohnt?
Sie führt Dich zu den Dragonballs.

Cha-la Head Cha-la dein Traum wird irgendwann wahr, doch der weg ist noch so