


joi loput jäähdytysnesteet

uh ah!Torstai 12.02.2009 23:38

21 jumpstreet ! iha vitu hyvä sarja!!! ::DDd (kiitti majju!)
uh ah johnny depp ja sillee :)

helmi! 2Maanantai 09.02.2009 23:18

vein kissaa ulos ja se vaa istu mun niskassa koko aja :DD
ja nyt se nukkuu tvn päällä :))

kesäkuntoon (c) SauliSunnuntai 08.02.2009 15:48


my friendsPerjantai 06.02.2009 21:58

joskus eile XDTorstai 05.02.2009 21:17

selitin mimmille bussissa jotai iha sekoo:
jonna: "ennnen mä asuin tua roskiksessa. ja välillä tua puskassa. oi niitä hyviä aikoja! nykyää mulla on perhe ja koti"
mimmi: "...ja kolme munaa"


XDD näin meilläTorstai 05.02.2009 19:33

lassi: "äiti! tää pasta on raakaa!"
äiti: "sulla on hampaat!"

what the hell happen???? :DTorstai 05.02.2009 19:11

<333:):):)):)Tiistai 03.02.2009 23:28

There was a barber and his wife,
And she was beautiful.
A foolish barber and his wife.
She was his reason and his life,
And she was beautiful,
And she was virtuous,
And he was... naive.

There was another man who saw
That she was beautiful.
A pious vulture of the law,
Who, with a gesture of his claw,
Removed the barber from his plate,
Then there was nothing but to wait,
And she would fall,
So soft,
So young,
So lost
And oh so beautiful!

And the lady, sir, did she succumb?

Oh, that was many years ago
I doubt if anyone would know