

18.8.1993 (31,17 vuotta)
Älä näytä modausta
  • Kuvassa:
  • So my darling friend i just want
    you to know How much I love and
    appreciate you and really am
    thankful for everything you do

  • Petuy

    PetuyIn my heart you’ll always be
    From now until forever,
    No matter what, no matter where
    We’ll always be together

  • Your eyes, your smile.
    Your touch, your hug
    Your promise, your words.
    Our everlasting bliss.

  • You hold me close when I am sad.
    You wipe the tears from my face.
    Every time we are together,
    It seems like the perfect place.

  • Sometimes at night, when I look to the sky,
    I start thinking of you and then ask myself, why?
    Why do I love you? I think and smile,
    because I know the list could run on for miles.


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